No Survival Skills

There's going to be spoilers...
So first off I was enjoying the movie for what it was worth,but the ending ruined it for me.

Back to the title of the thread,
The girl had:a flare and bear repellent (I guess),and didn't bother to use the repellent till after her boyfriends leg was bit. Didn't bring out the flare which she could of probably thrown at the bear or something.i give her props for actually acknowledging the broken bone,and trying to straighten it.
Her boyfriend was just an idiot. I get that he thought he knew what he was doing, but not bothering to get a map really? Also the fact that he carelessly left his ax,after meeting a guy who he thought was sketchy,is absurd as well.


I understand they were probably both in shock while in the tent


It was pretty much summed up in the beginning of the movie that she was not an experienced outdoor person, and though the guy claimed to be, he was too cocky and full of himself and truly did not respect the outdoors.

On another note though, when a bear comes at you aggressively, no matter how much you know, how much you have on you, all rational thinking leaves your brain. Around here everyone knows never to run from a bear even if it's charging because 1. it's physically impossible for any human to outrun a bear, they can go about 35 mph. 2. If they're bluffing you which most of the time that's all they're doing, as soon as you run you turn on the predator part of their brain, like when a resting cat sees a laser pointer. The chase is suddenly on, and it won't be bluff.

I liked the ending though, because the one they thought was such a threat was the one who kind of saved her. He was obnoxious, but he wasn't bad.


Very good point would you have just stood your ground? I agree with that, it's funny because he also new a bear was out there probably,so that could've been avoided.
