MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > What true story is this based on??

What true story is this based on??

In the beginning it says this movie is based on a true story. What is the true story??

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


The director loosely based this film on the 2005 story of a married couple who are attacked by a bear while camping in Canada. In the reality though, the genders are reversed and it's the wife who is killed.

Of course, the movie is just based on the event. It states during the credits (as most films do) that any character resemblance to actual people is coincidental. The entire plot of the film, the wedding ring, the stranger, getting lost, is made-up of course.


It should have said "inspired by true events". I hate films using "BOATS" when it is not. I mean the GIRL died in real life, and she was not eaten by a bear, she died while they were going back after the attack. How can you claim BOATS when you don't even get the most basic part of the "true story" correct? It's like people who actually think Texas Chainsaw is real. Any time you see BOATS on screen, a quick Google will usually prove otherwise.


"Based on a true story" only means that a true story was the spark of inspiration that made the movie happen. Everyone knows that the movie will be different in any number of ways from the true story that inspired it. It's a movie after all... a piece of fiction for entertainment purposes only.

That little remark "Based/inspired on/by a true story" is absolute nothing to get hung up on. It's just supposed to put you in the mindset that you can expect something a little more realistic than your usual flick.

Just enjoy the friggin' movie for what it is. Or go watch a documentary instead..

The IMDb forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I hate films using "BOATS" when it is not... How can you claim BOATS when you don't even get the most basic part of the "true story" correct? It's like people who actually think Texas Chainsaw is real. Any time you see BOATS on screen, a quick Google will usually prove otherwise.

This is a movie about hikers in the backcountry being pursued/attacked by a black bear. There are no BOATS or any other watercraft anywhere!


BOATS = Based On A True Story

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


I know; it was a joke.


Oh wow, I can't believe that actually went over my head haha. This is embarrassing :)

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


Don't feel bad; there are gazillions on the internet who would write something like that and be serious. :)



I agree, I made a short film for community college when I was a student that was inspired by something that happened in real life, but I didn't plaster "Based On A True Story" at the beginning of it. It simply served as inspiration to write and direct something.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis

