Horrible direction

Felt like some kid wanted to play director and used as many camera techniques as possible. Got annoying and distracting.

Last seen: Backcountry (4/10)


It's basically Open Water for hikers. I didn't feel the direction was terrible. However, the man clearly needs to give his actors better direction. The acting was iffy on many occasions.

Action Hero's Anthem


Funnily there is great stuff there, like the bear appearances. But indeed, there are scenes with horrible writing and emotional tones that just did not work. Why did they have to make the guy such a "loser"? And furthermore, they didn't build anything in the characters to make us identify identify with them. No personality, except the over the top sing along scene in the beginning. The guy was a hiking enthusiast and they open it with a slightly effeminated actor-fetish Fred Astaire thing.


I tend to agree that the character work could, and probably should have been stronger and clearer, but I think they made a conscious decision not to engage us further in the mains, and I believe I understand the reasoning behind this.

The driving theme of this movie is vulnerability.
Even from the scene with Alex making stupid handmovements across the steeringwheel at high speed in order to be funny, we are introduced to a subtly dysfunctional couple, where he, being the idiot that he is, is trying to impress her, in order to score and win her over. He makes a long number of illconceived decisions with that motivation, being the idiot that he is. She, on her part, is trying to play along. She wants their game of seduction to work, but for obvious reasons, it doesn't. His idiocy is just too obvious. So much for the social dynamic.
At the dramturgic level, this allows the audience to have that sense of foreboding, and to know that this trip is a disaster waiting to happen to the two hapless victims of this awkward social game of attempted seduction they are playing. We slowly begin to sympathise with the woman, only as she begins to put her foot down and come to terms with the completely failed social dynamic that is their apparent relationship.
But mostly: this story is less about the two mains, and more about being exposed to a predator in the wild. They are presented in such a way that we know that they could both easily die, and that the narrative isn't a great hindrance, but rather a vehicle for their eventual doom.

In short, I agree that it could have been a more gripping movie, if the mains had been easier to sympathise with, and consider heroes. That just wasn't where this movie wanted to go.

To expand a bit on what I'd consider this movies aim: It wasn't an action adventure, or anything close to it. It was much closer to a classic slasher movie. You (or your moralising superego) sort of want to see the idiotic youths of a classic slasher flic get butchered and die screaming, because they are portrayed as asking for it. At the same time, you are horrified by the horribly gory and painful deaths they are exposed to. That's the whole idea: a cautionary tale, powerful enough to keep you entertained, and sensible enough to deliver a meaningful morale, to make sense of all the horror.


Too bad it didn't really work. Especially because by making the woman the main character, they'd adhered to all the clichès of this subgenre. ALL of them, to the point that you wouldn't even bother with this flick on face value. You're all oh 'the chick is going to be the heroine survivor and the guy is gonna get killed, same stuff different ambiance'.

This is Done To Death: The Movie.

Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade?
The Avengers


True, it's easily too predictable, partly because it has been done to death.
I thought the basic/ancestral fear of dealing with a stalking by a predator in the wild (potentially there all of the time, but taking on a sort of ghostly presence in the human mind, once it has been there, and the hunt is on)DID work.
It made a fairly good impression of reality, in that regard. As such, I sort of liked it.

But as a piece of storytelling, it could have been done MUCH better.
No dispute there.


Even the fear of stalking was done so much better (Open Water, hello?) and they didn't have to make the guy a dolt or the sacrificial victim.

Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade?
The Avengers
