MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > DVD date? theater release date? ...or a...

DVD date? theater release date? ...or another film in limbo

What is it with movies made in the last year or so being held up from release to theaters or DVD; IMDB should list as a "Dead in the Water" category. This looks like it could be a great movie, but it is tough to say as it seems that you have to attend a film festival to see it. What are these distributors waiting for? (Jurassic Park -25 million years in the making- was a great subtitle)
Now I guess it will be "Backcountry, Grizzly and others -seem like a million years till they are released-." UnBEARable... hope they come out soon at a festival near me!


It will be released on March 20!- the trailer is up on itunes IFC is puttting it out


HDRIP Of the movies the name royalewithcheese and youll come across it.
