Dear Real hosts

Please let it be last time the name “Tamar Braxton” is ever spoken on this show. Let her ignorant loud mouthed ass continue her 3 year long “I’m the victim/nothing’s ever my fault” tour on ‘Wendell’ and ‘The Coven’ and pay her dust. That is all.


The ladies handled it with class and it’s nice that they still extended an invitation for her to return as a guest and let bygones be bygones. I don’t think it’ll happen but it was still kind of them to do so. Maybe she’ll stop talking about them now.


I hope she doesn’t come back. Didn’t like her when she was a host and I dislike her even more now. She can keep using the gullible sheep on other shows to perpetuate her tired lies.


I think it’s safe to say Tamar won’t be returning anytime soon. She and Loni had a back and forth exchange on social media and it’s reopened old wounds.

I agreed with what Tamera said yesterday about women of color in particular needing to support each other instead of tearing each other down. It’s already hard out there so why make it more difficult by turning on each other?


I saw that. Funny how The Real is a “dusty ass show” now but it wasn’t when it cut her a “dusty ass check” for three years. It’s pathetic when you have a six year old more mature than you are.

Tamar has that “crabs in a barrel” mentality. It’s no wonder she’s friends with the likes of Wendy and Nene.


Lol @ “dusty ass check”! Good point though.

All three have a very similar look too.


Yeah. It’s called “plastic”.
