Nell Hudson tweet

I like this tweet by Nell


"Laoghaire MacKenzie Fraser".. So, it is Lallybroch that they're shooting.. Hope they announce Older Fergus and Marsali castings..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Urgh, why is she already back? They're only filming block 2, which means probably episode 2 and 4. How is it possible Laoghaire is already back in Episode 4???


Wasn't Laoghaire in Lallybroch stuff? So, 1 & 6 is second block, I guess.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I think they are filming out of order. My guess would be that they are filming all scenes at Lallybroch - so when Jamie first returns injured, and then when he and Claire return with Young Ian.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Ah yes, you're right, maybe they film all Lallybroch scenes. Young Ian seems to be there, too and he also appeared in Lallybroch only after Edinburgh. Also they seem to have two read through days. Yesterday and today so they might read more than 2 episodes.


Ah yes, you're right, maybe they film all Lallybroch scenes. Young Ian seems to be there, too and he also appeared in Lallybroch only after Edinburgh. Also they seem to have two read through days. Yesterday and today so they might read more than 2 episodes.


Ah yes, you're right, maybe they film all Lallybroch scenes. Young Ian seems to be there, too and he also appeared in Lallybroch only after Edinburgh. Also they seem to have two read through days. Yesterday and today so they might read more than 2 episodes.

They filmed Culloden, Boston and Ardsmuir so far. For me that looks as if they filmed 1 and 3. So maybe now they will film 2 and 6? That would mean in 2 there will be the years in the cave and Lallybroch and 6 will be the one after the reunion.

Then next block 4 (Helwater) and 5 (Printshop and Edinburgh).


Then next block 4 (Helwater)

So, Helwater...What do you think? Are we going to see Jamie arriving at Helwater, maybe meeting the family, seeing the stables, saying good-bye to LJG, and then end it? Return much later to find out what happened there only after the reunion, when Claire learns in the book? Or will they show it all in sequence so the audience knows, but Claire doesn't?
Same with Laoghaire. Will the audience know because we see it happen in Jamie's time, but it's a shock to Claire? Or will it shock everyone at the same time? I still remember my own reaction when I read the book. Lol 😱😨😭


I thin we're going to see it pretty much in sequence. Jamie arriving, Geneva blackmailing him, Ellesmere threatening William, saying goodbye to Willie and handing Willie over to LJG.

Laoghaire I think we may get in flashbacks as Jamie tries to explain why he married her.


I see Ep 4 picking up at the transportation from Ardsmuir, arriving at Helwater, acclimating to Helwater, Geneva's bribe, Geneva bedding, the day of Williams birth, and Geneva's funeral. Interplayed w/ the final scenes between Frank & Claire.

Ep 5 will be Mac bonding w/ William and leaving him to LJG, while Roger/Bree/Claire are in 1968 preparing for her departure. That sets both Jamie and Claire up as leaving a child behind to reunite.

Ep 6 Print Shop Reunion.


Ah yes, you're right, maybe they film all Lallybroch scenes. Young Ian seems to be there, too and he also appeared in Lallybroch only after Edinburgh. Also they seem to have two read through days. Yesterday and today so they might read more than 2 episodes.

They filmed Culloden, Boston and Ardsmuir so far. For me that looks as if they filmed 1 and 3. So maybe now they will film 2 and 6? That would mean in 2 there will be the years in the cave and Lallybroch and 6 will be the one after the reunion.

Then next block 4 (Helwater) and 5 (Printshop and Edinburgh).


Fair analysis.

Then next block 4 (Helwater) and 5 (Printshop and Edinburgh).

While filming Helwater they could have Cait film 1968 scenes with Sophie and Richard..

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Personally, I think Culloden and Lallybroch could both be in episode 1. (Ardsmuir 2, Helwater 3, Edinburgh 4) I guess it depends how much they want to show of Claire in Boston in each episode too. That could just be wishful thinking on my part.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Personally, I think Culloden and Lallybroch could both be in episode 1.

Yes.. That's what I think too. But with Ron writing first episode, I don't know. Probably a 10-20 minutes Culloden battle and 40 minutes Boston.
(Ardsmuir 2, Helwater 3, Edinburgh 4)

You're forgetting Claire gearing up to leave for 18th century. That should be a whole episode.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


You're forgetting Claire gearing up to leave for 18th century. That should be a whole episode.

Nah, I wasn't forgetting, I just think that doesn't need entirely its own episode - that should be mixed in throughout the first 3-4. A Jamie-less episode? No thank you. 😜

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


But Sam said they finished filming 2 Episodes and Lallybroch was not among the scenes that have been filmed. The new block has a new director and he is not going to film scenes for the director of block 1.

In the past they filmed out of sequence but still stayed within 2 episodes. So they filmed Episode 8 and 11 in one block and with the same director and then they filmed Episode 9 and 10 after that.

So IMO the fact that they only now film Lallybroch means, that Culloden will have it's own Episode and Lallybroch will only come in Episode 2. And of course Boston will be in every episode, but they only filmed 1 week Boston and 3 week Jamie stuff, so I also think Jamie will have more screentime just as it is in the book.


So IMO the fact that they only now film Lallybroch means, that Culloden will have it's own Episode.

And lots of Boston stuff in it. I don't think they can allot more 20 minutes for Culloden and it's aftermath. And with Ron writing it, we can expect at least 40 minutes of Frank in it.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


They can't have 40 minutes of Frank with a maximum of 8 days of filming for Cait and Tobias. The first week of filming Cait was in Ghana. In the second week she had two days of filming. In the third week she tweeted that she wasn't filming all week which leaves the last week where they filmed the Boston scens. They have a total of 24 days for 2 Episodes. Sam filmed 16 days, so it's obvious, that Jamie's story will have a lot more screentime.

They have Culloden, some dramatic and painful deaths of well known characters, then the cottage, then Hal, then the executions, then Jamie being thrown on the wagon. Always assume Ron adding some things that are not in the book and we'll have 40 minutes Culloden and 20 minutes Boston. I think that's more realistic than the other way round.


I don't see 40 minutes of Culloden happening. So either they fill the rest 40 minutes of the episode with Frank, or maybe take a 10 minutes extension to the episode and fill in Lallybroch scenes.

Also comparing Culloden filming with Boston's filming, both of them took equal amount of time to film them. Culloden filming didn't take more than a week and a half. And during that time Sam took time-off to participate in Scot-con(?)..

And the director issue.. Some directors film more than 2 episodes, right? Maybe that's what happened. The director who's filmed first episode is also the director who filmed Ardsmuir and might film all Lallybroch stuff.

Another factor to consider.. We know that Cait and Sam filmed separately.. So, the director who filmed Boston scenes is not the director who filmed Culloden. And thus, they can't be in one episode, I think..

So, my take: 1st episode- Culloden, cave, Lallybroch. 2nd episode- Ardsmuir. 3rd episode- Helwater. 4th episode- Claire gearing up for time-travel, and Boston stuff as flash-backs. 5th episode- Reunion. 6th episode- Smuggling, Lallybroch (I wonder if they'll film the smuggling scenes along with Lallybroch stuff). And all lallybroch stuff won't fit in 6th episode, I guess. So, 7th episode- Lallybroch, Ian's kidnap.

That could mean that the director filming Lallybroch stuff must film 4 episodes. Metin did that in Season 2.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Also, I forgot to mention that while Culloden and Boston scenes took about around 1 week to film, in which Culloden filming is very physical, and them taking only 1 week meams that it can't be more than 15-20 minutes of run-time.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


Always assume Ron adding some things that are not in the book and we'll have 40 minutes Culloden

Yes, 40 minutes of Culloden doesn't mean 40 minutes of the actual battle. There will be a very dramatic reveal of What Really Happened between Jamie and BJR as part of Culloden. The fate of Murtagh will also be revealed. The battle really won't be that long-it wasn't in real life-and there is lots more to show after they fight.
Poor Jamie, knowing he sent Claire back, thus losing her forever, and now he's alive. That reality must have hit him like a ton of bricks.


I do wonder though, if Claire had stayed, would Brianna have survived since Claire apparently has difficulties with her pregnancies.


That's a good point, Nidratime, but Jamie wouldn't know that. All he would know is that he sent her back because he was going to die for sure. And didn't. Now she is gone for good and he has to live without her, and she without him, for "no reason" now, as he isn't dead.


Claire said neither one of them would have survived the pregnancy or birth.


IMO, the first Block, now completed, was Culloden & Adrmiur for Jamie and pregnant Claire in Boston, maybe some Boston in the mid to late 1950's, Bree at around age 9, Claire in Medical school. It seems that they are telling both Jamie & Claire's stories in chronological order, toggling back and forth between them. That would be episodes 1 & 3.

Now they are filming the 2 Lallybroch episodes, Ep 2 being the 7 years after Culloden and the later Lallybroch episode after Print Shop/Reunion and after Edinburgh smuggling story, so episode 8. Plus Baby Bree for Claire in Boston in Ep2.

My guess is next they do 4 & 5, Helwater for Jamie, Frank's death & leaving Boston behind for Claire and Roger/Bree /Claire in 1968. Then 6 & 7 Print Shop/Reunion and Edinburgh smuggling story respectively. Or flip that depending on the schedules of the actors.

How the Episodes lay out in the Blocks is dependent of the logistics of sets and the actors schedules.

And I agree Andorra the filming schedule of the first Block was Sam/Jamie heavy, which is a good thing.

I also think they maybe doing some script addendum scenes while they have the sets up & the actors on set for future possible use in later episodes as flashbacks for Jamie/Claire/Bree, it would be cost prohibited to recreate sets for a thirty second flashback, not to mention the aging of the actors, especially child actors, 5 seasons/years from now.


What a tease she is 



That was some serious burn for so many fans.. "Laoghaire Mackenzie FRASER"😁😉

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I remember that interview with Nell where she said how much she was on Laoghaire's side when she read the novels and how she was looking forward to the good stuff coming to her in S3. Not sure I agree that it is good stuff for Laoghaire. Maybe for Nell though 



Well, Nell is quite excited to be known as Mrs. FRASER that she highlighted her tweet with it. 😏

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I remember that interview with Nell where she said how much she was on Laoghaire's side when she read the novels and how she was looking forward to the good stuff coming to her in S3. Not sure I agree that it is good stuff for Laoghaire. Maybe for Nell though

I think as an actor you have to "like" or "understand " your character in order to portray them with some realism .IMO (and from acting class )


I know... Wow!

But you know... I must be different... Laoghaire does not bother me.

Her and Jamie's story is in the book and part of the fascination... I may not care for Jamie and Laoghaire, their story is entertaining... Anything Jamie is entertaining.. I want to see how they show Geneva with Jamie... Not a fan of him having $ex with her but their story leading up to and after is entertaining.

I'm not all upset when Nell posts something. Truth be told, some fans are scared of Nell. A while back there were rumors. 😉 Rumors are/were false... But you know.. That tall Scottish actor can be rumored with a phone book and fans will get upset with the phone book.. 😊


That tall Scottish actor can be rumored with a phone book and fans will get upset with the phone book.. 😊


At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I want to see how they show Geneva with Jamie... Not a fan of him having $ex with her but their story leading up to and after is entertaining.

I don't want to see Jamie in bed with Geneva....JUST No! No! No!😬 Imply..fade to black..anything but that!!!


Haa!! But you know that won't happen. That scene is very important, and fade to black just don't do justice to it.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I know we'll have to wait and see what the production does with this, but this was not passionate sex like with Claire. Geneva was just like a limp duffel bag on the bed. Jamie was basically a sex ed instructor and confused most of the time because of no response on Geneva's part. If they show it, make it comedic and throw in his comment "I was wondering why in God's name men want to bed virgins."😁


Comedic would be fine. And please let them eliminate all the rape ambiguity.



Yes, I think that would be the best way to do it. And they'll have to be absolutely clear about it being consensual!


Comedic would be good, although I would prefer that they fade to black on this one as well.


Can they please fade to black on Mary McNab though? Because that would be just fine...

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


Can they please fade to black on Mary McNab though?

Wasn't it a "fade to black" sex scene in the book? And I don't think Mary MacNab will make an appearance in the show.

At the point of Crisis and Annihilation, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk


I agree. I think the Mary McNabb scene will be cut. She hasn't made an appearance so far and she is not that important for the later story.


I hope you both are right! We'll have to see Fergus lose his hand though, so they can't just gloss over him living in the cave altogether.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


That was some serious burn for so many fans.. "Laoghaire Mackenzie FRASER"😁😉

I know. 

ETA: That is a massive spoiler as well for non-book readers.


I cannot say that I'm happy they kept Nell for the older Laghoaire. She won't fit the profile at all anymore. They should have change her casting , she is not suppose to look at all as her younger self.


I like it in a sense because Murtagh said she will stay a little girl until she is 40 (or 50?) So if she plays her as silly as she did as a teenager, that will fit nicely. If they put her in a fatsuit though I wouldn't mind.

I like Nell, she is delightful in ITV's Victoria. So I'm happy to see more of her.



I agree about her immaturity , on that point she will fit the profile , but one of the point made in the book was how much Laghoaire physic changed in 20 years and I don't see how a fat suit is going to change that , they cannot change her body so much without looking fake.
It doesn't help that for me she is the only cast member that never impressed me in OL . I never saw Nell in anything else except one small part in an another show where she played her character the exact same way than OL. I don't think she is a good actress at all.


but one of the point made in the book was how much Laghoaire physic changed in 20 years and I don't see how a fat suit is going to change that , they cannot change her body so much without looking fake.

I didn't think Laoghaire was fat, just much rounder, thicker in the middle. I don't think they will add that much weight to her and can pull it off without looking fake.
I have never seen Nell Hudson as "my" Laoghaire. She didn't fit the part, for me. I didn't think she looked as good as the character was supposed to look. I think Nell Hudson is much prettier in real life than she looked in the role of Laoghaire.


I see her more than just rounder because I always imagine an older Laghoaire to be a blonder version of her grandmother Mrs. Fitz minus the character.


There's magic in makeup.

I watched "This Is Us" last night, and at the end (this isn't a spoiler, it's on a preview), they made Mandy Moore unrecognizable. Her character ages between 36 and 72, and they really made her look 72. Pretty impressive.

I think Outlander can give Nell a fatsuit and a lot of makeup.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."
