MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Why didn't Kim just hire some temps to h...

Why didn't Kim just hire some temps to help with the paperwork?

Why wouldn't Kim just hire some temps or someone and pay them like $10-$20/hour to help with the paperwork with the case. I realize this wouldn't be able to help with all of the work she had to put in to prepare for the case, but it just seems dumb not to when a new potential client is on the line. Heck, she could have even hired Ernie as a temp, I hear he's looking for a new job.



I agree. I thought the same exact thing. I thought maybe she didn't because she couldnt afford it, but with the amount of money she would make from the case, it would be no problem. The show makes a point of showing "struggling" lawyers, but the fact is, they are still laywers and not bagging groceries. Im sure she has enough money to pay people $10 an hour. After all, she did write Hamlin a check to cover her entire lawschool education. She can definitely afford it.

Im thinking now that its really all about her proving she can do it by herself. She took the new case even though shes too busy with the other case. Jimmy mentioned she could get paralegals when they first got the office and she said she didn't need anyone. He even had to convince her to get a secretary.

Then they show her car get stuck and instead of getting help, (even from the guy who just drove away in the truck that she could of easily just called on the cell phone), she had to do it herself and almost crashed because of it.

So after her accident, i think she realizes she cant do it all by herself and is now embracing being taken care of and not pushing herself.


I thought of that too. Can only assume that she'd rather actually be working on it herself rather than spending the time training someone who would A) Only care about it as a job, not on a personal level, and B) Therefore still be way less competent at it than she.


While it's just implied, Kim is concerned about making the payments on the office lease. This is a bone of contention simmering below the surface of the Kim and Jimmy relationship. This is why she took on Gatwood Oil. Furthermore, it seems to be her personality. So far, we've seen her do things by herself. It's always her vs Hamlin. It's always her vs Jimmy. It was only her talking with Ernie. The only time we see her in a group is with her Mesa Verde clients. Remember how she didn't want to hire Francesca right off the bat? Jimmy had to convince her that she was good. And Jimmy seems to be the one working more with Francesca.


She's supposed to be a lawyer. lawyers get paid lots of money per hour for being lawyers. Temps, receptionists and admin staff get lots less per hour and when someone uses a lawyer they know that they're paying for the whole shebang. Surely, that's a given? Why would an intelligent lawyer (I use that loosely) stay up all night putting files together? The whole story is a joke imho.


It is ridiculous that Kim does not have paralegals doing the grunt work. There are plenty of jobs out there for people with paralegal degree to do temporary work. I'm not sure how the writers earn their keep on this show.


Yes, but paralegals need to be paid and it looks like Kim and Jimmy are living from hand to mouth in their current set-up. I think the best they can manage is the one assistant they have -- who seemed very capable.


I agree. That didn't make any sense to me.



They should have had her try that and the paralegal makes a mistake which causes Kim to go into OCD damage control and want to do everything herself.
