tonights the night

im excited


Though it seems like there are only about 5 of us left in the world.


I'm here! I've been excited all day! I loved the premiere! Finally an AMC show that is actually good! The only problem was the hour went by so fast. Too fast. Haven't felt like that since Mad Men. Unlike the Walking Dead that just drags on and on!


Just started watching! Takovic, The Ink Spots.... so far so good :)


"The Shadow of your Smile" while eating cereal -- sure to piss off the Ozymandius crowd.


And what a night, what a lovely night it was!


I loved S1, S2 & S3. I am a huge fan. For the previous seasons, I waited until all the episodes were aired before going into binge watching. I can't wait a week for the next episode.


*** Minor SPOILER Alert!!! ***

Man, the opening hit home. We eat too much sugar and Cinnabon is a culprit, but it's not bad for a chain. Am I dumbass for asking product placement ha ha?

But, I digress. I saw the store manager, whom most shoppers despise, at one of the local Dollar Tree get wheeled out like future Jimmy. I asked armed security what happened and he would not tell me. I said she's the store manager and he even disagreed with that. I don't shop at that store anymore.


Uh...maybe its just me, but I didn't understand jack of what you were trying to say here.

The opening hit home...there's too much sugar in Cinnabons, you're asking product placement, does that make you a dumbass?
You saw a store manager most shoppers despise...get wheeled out of a Dollar tree, security wouldn't tell you why and disagreed that it was the don't shop there anymore.

What. The. Hell.
Good God Jason, were you stroking out here? Some kind of sugar-induced seizure?
*slaps Jason*
Snap out of it man!


What am I talking about? Well, first there's good and there's bad. The good is the interesting plot device to show us Saul's future. Every future scene for Saul/Jimmy is in b&w, but is set at Cinnabon. Cinnabon even goes back to BB. The bad is what else is it but watching a commercial? We see the drawn out restaurant scene, but get little plot. The only plot that we get from Smoke is the hospital and the checkout scene. We also get the Gene character doesn't fit Saul, but does fit Jimmy. If Gene isn't Saul, then what was the point of watching all this up until now. This is the bad.

I can equate it to what happened in my life. There is this tightwad store manager who treats her customers like they were crooks instead of customers. It's the only store with an "armed" security guard. Even she is more like Saul than Jimmy.
