MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > I finally decided to watch BB.

I finally decided to watch BB.

I had seen episode one (the pilot), and tonight I watched episode two, since I discovered that
I can stream it on Netflix. No waiting for DVDs through the mail. The episode was pretty funny.
The scene at the end was hilarious. Two down, and 34 to go. I'm in it for the long haul now.



I wish I could erase all memories of ever watching BB so I could watch it again. You're in for a ride.


Thanks. I hope you're right.



PS Five episodes in and I've discovered everyone was right. This series is really amazing. Five down and 31 to go.



Oh no! I just realized there are 62 episodes, not 36! I've only watched 5! There's 57 to go!! Shit! This is gonna take me friggin' forever! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have never re-watched this series... because it was just so perfect the first time that I'm afraid that I would start to nitpick it, if I were to watch it again.

My wife and I didn't actually watch it until after the series ended. Toward the end, we were binge watching 3 and 4 eps at a time. It was a perfect melange of great character-driven story, and actors who brought their A-game to it.

Bryan Cranston was a revelation. I had only known him for comedy -- Malcolm in the Middle, Seinfeld -- but in the role of Walter White, he just blew me away.

The only other series that came as close to it for me was Justified.


I agree. I'm hooked after five episodes. I watched two episodes each the past two days.



You are fortunate because it was torture having to wait a week for a new episode when the show was running.


I know I get jealous when new people watch it funny cause I didnt watch it until 2016


The best part of the show is definitely when Hank gets recruited into the NASA and becomes the first official mineral cataloger on Mars.





Omg I'm jealous that show is so good I remember waking up at 4am watching it straight through until 6pm taking a break then resuming at 8pm .I watched it in 4 days and I was so addicted to it.ive watched it 4 are in for the greatest tv in my opinion ever.keep us posted of your thoughts


Wow. That is impressive, and thanks, I will.



And to think I thought you were a troll with all your complaints about BCS. You can't compare BCS to BrBa; They're different shows. Shat, BCS was originally thought to be a comedy. It's not going to ever be as dramatic or far out as BrBa. I mean what killings have lived up to even the weakest ones of BrBa? Arturo? Mike getting revenge for his son? Chuck's suicide? Nacho getting shot could be included. BCS had a few good ones, but can't compare.

That said, I am looking forward to the next episode called Wiedersehen. It means good bye. Does it mean someone dies? I was reminded of the Cheap Trick song.

""Auf Wiedersehen"

Au revoir, auf wiedersehen
You won't see another morning
You won't see another evening
Good night
Buenas noches oh seΓ±or!
SeΓ±orita see ya later
Buenas noches bye-bye
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is a joke
And for you we sing this final song
For you there is no hope
Sayonara oh suicide hari kari
Kamikaze you won't
See another evening
Bye-bye so long, farewell
See you later....Suicide

May not be another suicide, but who knows.


I always thought the 1st 2 seasons were kind of slow but after that it just gets so intense


Thanks. I'll look forward to that.



I gave it a try a few years after it had gone off the air just to see what the fuss was all about.I figured i'd struggle through a few episodes before getting bored.But after a few episodes i was hooked and binge watching whole seasons.


I know what you mean. I'm hooked also after five episodes. Five down, 57 to go.



I wish I could watch BB for the first time again. It is on such a different level from BCS...or most any other show that's on now.

Take your time. Don't rush through it. You only get to see BB for the first time one time. After that, re-watching it is great but not the same as your first time.


Thanks for the wise advise, Batman. I will take my time.



I'm up to S2 E3. Watching two or three episodes at a time, and lovin' it!

