Needs To Be Longer

Love watching the show but I think it needs to be longer like 30min or 1hr like the old Scooby Doo's, that way they could flesh out the mystery more or go on multiple mysteries 

Wait a second.. this is a food restaurant we dont serve salad


Good God, no. There's zero reason for stretching out the unfunny, uneventful antics of Mike and co. with Norm's stale one-liners for a whole other 15 minutes.


Let me guess: you hate the show so much, that you totally watch every episode. Because you hate it.

"I'm a drummer. I'm never the brains of the operation-Even when I'm the smartest person in the room"


Didn't watch every episode, than again, that's not something I wouldn't do with a show I don't like. Gotta have some confirmation.


But you MUST---just must!!---let your awesome opinion be known. You know what you should do? Start a blog, tell the world!

"I'm a drummer. I'm never the brains of the operation-Even when I'm the smartest person in the room"


Why would I need to start a blog when I can just simply post on IMBD? If you really value my opinion that much, maybe you should be the one to start it.


Yeah, see I don't value your opinion. Nobody does.

"I'm a drummer. I'm never the brains of the operation-Even when I'm the smartest person in the room"

reply GF8/s1600/why-so-butthurt-iichan.jpg


Well if you're butthurt, take it elsewhere.

"I'm a drummer. I'm never the brains of the operation-Even when I'm the smartest person in the room"



Norm's stale one-liners
Best part of the show. It's all subjective and down to taste, but I'm really glad I don't have your sense of humour.
