Marilyn, is that you?

On a more serious note: the demon is an imbecile.

I mean, doesn't he know better than to torment Christians where chances of it getting its ass kicked would be more than zero since Christians believe in the only true God?

Why not instead go after the rest of non-Christian people around the globe? There are certainly more of them and they're sitting ducks since they're into the wrong religion/god. Or aliens on other planets. Pretty sure they're not Christians either.

Stupid demon...


I have been told they don't mess with non Christians because they don't need to. They are jealous beings who want everyone to be in theor shoes, unworthy of the kingdom of Heaven. They only go after those with faith, and those with troubled faith break easier.


I see. Well that explains everything. I'm a Christian now. I should probably prepare myself mentally to deal with the incoming demons.


Ha.. Are you being serious or sarcastic ?


It seemed like it wanted to torture Warrens.


Think about it this way. Why attack someone who isn't Christian and risk converting them and creating more, instead of trying to take out people who are already Christian. Makes sense right?


You and everyone are exactly right. Demons hate God and those who believe in Him. My pastor once made a good point of saying “You are not truely walking with the Lord if your life isn’t challenging.” He went on to say once you are saved (accepting Christ as your Savior) that life isn’t all wonderful, it’s going to get hard because we’ve made the Devil angry and we will be attacked in some way. The devil has no need to waste time with people who don’t believe in God.
