MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > So if the pregnant lady....

So if the pregnant lady....

So we see at the end that the baby, after the mother died, was briefly still alive and was counted as a life. It couldn't vote to defend itself obviously so in the end that other guy won.

But let's say for example that the guy also sacrificed himself like the little girl did, that would leave us with preggo. Now, would she have won? The aliens counted her baby as a life, so would it be a case of it's her or the baby? But since the baby can't vote and the mother can't vote for her baby as the arrow would have to point to herself which was established can't happen, would they both have died anyway?

I know it's not relevant. I just thought it was interesting.


Good point!


No because we in the last scene we see the other winners of circles standing and watching the ships. Most of which were pregnant women and children.


I thought they were standing transfixed, and were supposed to be the "next round of players"...


Maybe there are two lights and it's obvious that one light is indicting the baby? I'm not sure how that might work but I feel you have to follow that logic and assume that all those pregnant women we see are no longer pregnant and killed their babies.


Or the aliens basically gave pregnant people a second chance. Or more likely, they were forcing people who chose to kill pregnant people to see just how evil they were by forging them to purposely chose to kill the baby itself. Presumably if the pregnant person won they'd get to leave with baby intact, after all, they'd have no way of picking the baby over themselves anyway, they'd have the same arrow.


All good theories but the filmmakers have already weighed in on this

(not that their explanation is "law," just another valid interpretation)

It was a dramatic gimmick to put Eric into a position he hadn't anticipated (we're meant to realize his every move up to that point was calculated - he'd always intended to get down to the three of them, so he could trick the kid into killing herseld)

The gimmick was that the woman just happened to land with her belly on a circle, so the machine interpreted the baby as a separate life. As long as she was standing upright, the circle would treat them both as one person

It's kind of a dumb thing NOT to anticipate (given how closely packed the circles were), but who knows how careful the aliens really wanted to be?


She was quite pregnant. Maybe the developed fetus confused their scanners.

I felt the fetus bit was tacked on too. It was more effective without that.


Agreed, felt forced and didn't change the outcome.
