Another What if...

I was wondering what would of happened if another woman had said she was pregnant as well and wasn't showing yet.

It could have provided a few interesting moments with people arguing about life beginning at conception or birth, abortion and all that.

Although this may have been to "big" an issue for the film to try deal with in a short time. As well as dramatically reducing the impact of the main pregnant girl


You might be onto something there if they ever choose to make Circle 2 - Another Circle.


Or if they made a circle full of the lone survivors of each of the first round of circles, which you can see from the last scene was predominantly pregnant women and children. Then it would become a matter of who's the better mom or which child has the most potential


You need to stop repeating that. Only 1 of the women in the last shot is pregnant.
There are about 6 kids in there - so it's only half the groups are either children or pregnant women.

And there are 4 men in there. That's a third of the people.


Hmmm was just watching this and I can see at least 2 very pregnant women, but I guess that is just being pedantic :)


Only 1 of the women in the last shot is pregnant

Technically correct, but in the shot before that, as Eric walks up to the group, another woman appears to be pregnant. You just can't see her in the final shot


Circle 2 - The Recircling

Just when you thought things couldn't get any more circular...


How does a pregnant woman survive this?They considered the fetus alive at the end so a pregnant mother would be 2 people surviving. I don't get that.


Maybe she had to kill the baby?!!


Been discussed before on this board, even by the producers - the mother & baby show up as one "life" as long as they share the same spot.

