MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > The people at the end.

The people at the end.

Were they the survivors of the other ships? If so how was there a pregnant lady? Wouldn't she have had to kill her baby?


That makes a lot of sense (The pregnant lady having to vote for her baby in order to survive.) I feel so sorry for the innocent people who died so I'm consoling myself by believing that the people he encounters are others who just got dropped off of other flying saucers and that no one was killed. I think it was just a psychological observation done by the aliens. Maybe they wipe their memories and the flaahbacks at the end are just bits that he recalls.


Wouldn't she have had to kill her baby?

According to the filmmakers, the final vote was a sort of glitch: the baby registered as a separate person because the mother landed with her belly directly over a circle

If she'd survived, her circle would've registered her and her baby as a single "life"


How do you know the baby isn't dead?


You misread, OP meant/thought that had it ended up just the pregnant lady, she would have had to vote for her baby in order to survive herself. Seemed clear enough that it only registered the baby as a separate person because her womb fell on one of the other circles, which is to say that had she been the last one it wouldn't have been an issue.
