Such a Great Movie

Not every movie has to be everything. No movie CAN be everything. Yes, this movie takes philosophical moral issues and does not explore them in absolutely fine detail, but that's not the point

It manages to entertain, it manages to show us multiple different POVs. It raises fundamental questions about the true fairness of democracy. And it does so in under 90 minutes

It's super low-budget and does not have any big name actors. It's a one-room, real-time movie. These are not constraints that are easy to work with, but the movie does so successfully IMO

I've seen this movie several times since it popped up on Netflix. It never fails to entertain me and give me confidence in indy filmmakers

Big studios, including Netflix, have tried several times to capture the spirit of the original Twilight Zone. IMO, they have almost all failed for the most part. But if you dig through the shitpile of indy sci-fi movies out there, you will find some worthy successors. I'm not saying that whoever wrote this is as talented as Rod Serling, but as a hardcore TZ fan I can say that this is as close as you can get to capturing the spirit of what Serling was trying to achieve
