No sympathy (spoilers)

I have no sympathy for Kimmie, she participated and enjoyed the savage beating of innocent random people and falsely accused a teacher of rape. Once she was pregnant, did she think she wouldn't receive the same treatment she dealt out to others? The ending was just.


I kinda agree, but somehow...she was only participating in the beating part...not the killing part (hence her teary phone call to the police) (sure, you can argue, that people die while getting beat up...sure)....Detlef and his gang kill her baby, that was the tip of the iceberg....I think, she was "ok" with her being mangled up, but not her baby, that's why she had the baby corpse in her bag....she couldn't handle I'm on the fence on this a bit...I don't sympathize with her, I can only understand/see her motive to going crazy in the end....


I had the same feelings. She frequently assisted with rapes and brutal beatings of innocents. She must have ruined many lives and caused lots of trauma. She reaped what she sawed. I did not understand why the main detective was so invested in her.

Also this time the arab partner seemed almost useless for the story. He had better part in the first one.


I disagree about Assad's role in this movie. Once again, he is shown as being much, MUCH better with people and therefore gaining insight and information that would be unavailable to Carl. For example, he got a good read on Thelma and with that he was able to have her divert Ulrik while they searched his estate. Also, he got Rose to stay on and that proved important as well. I really like his character very much and their partnership of opposites quite a bit.


Agreed - I really liked his character.


There is a difference though. Unlike the guys she had long stopped hurting people. The guys all kept hurting people and got a kick out of it. She had long stopped doing that.


She only wanted to stop because she had this fantasy in her head wrapped around her pregnancy. She had no problem with people being hurt and raped. She was just as cruel as them.


Yeah same here.
I kept thinking why the main character was so attached to Kimmie (and that's pretty creepy that he's calling her "Kimmie" a nickname her boyfriend used to call her).
She was just as cruel only betraying the villains when she felt rejected in her pregnancy.

But I did like the ending.
They all got what they deserved.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame



I was looking for a thread on this. I feel there was no other way out for her. I couldn't picture her rehabilitated enough to re-enter society...society being such that it is,


I couldn't agree more. She had no problem inflicting pain to others. The whole time as well she was in love with Ditlev even while burning with him.


Clearly, Kimmie had a lot of issues. She probably had either borderline personality disorder or anti-social personality disorder (which is probably what Ditlev and Ulrik had as well.) So, yes, she was probably not exactly a character anyone would want to waste sympathy on. However, and maybe this is covered in detail in the book, she was sent off to boarding school when her father died. No father, stepmother has no use for her, so that could certainly help explain her acting out. But there was a vulnerability there with Ditlev. I think she really did love him and this was clearly not requited. He used her for sex, to black mail the science teacher, and then tried to kill her and their baby. As an adolescent I think it is believable that she could be so in love and infatuated with him that she thought they could actually have a future together.


I didn't feel any sympathy for her either. She willingly followed that evil little psychopath and his band of nutters and didn't even see the light when he pimped her out.
