MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2023) Discussion > I'm SO glad I never got truly invested i...

I'm SO glad I never got truly invested in this show

I honestly can't understand its appeal, because the storylines were soooo DUMB! And it seemed more like science fantasy that didn't take itself too seriously, and yet isn't all that funny either.

Back in the early 2010s, when this was on Netflix, I tried watching the show, starting with the reboot episodes from Sci-Fi channel. It took me a while to figure out what I was watching, because I wanted to see David Tennant, thinking he was cute. Research showed I was watching the 9th Doctor first, and David Tennant was the 10th. It was bizarrely weird and only vaguely silly, and yet stupidity of the shows really bothered me a lot. I even developed a "Bullshit Meter" while watching, because the absurdity of the different episodes' plotlines really bothered me a lot. That, and people like Jack Harkness turned me off. The moment I realized he was pan, I lost all interest in him. The only really satisfying stuff I saw included Rose being able to spend the rest of her life in another dimension with both her parents alive, and a human clone of the 10th Doctor; as well as the Pompeii episode with Donna. Everything else was absurd and stupid. I had to quit after Donna left and I saw part of the "Don't Blink" episode. I might have been willing to watch the drama between the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond, but frankly, I was done with the show by then.

I guess watching more serious sci-fi that actually made sense kinda ruined me for Dr. Who.

From what I heard, it only got worse after that, so I thankfully got to miss out on seeing the show go Woke, and frankly, almost none of even the die-hard fans are even watching now with the slimy rainbow cockroach masquerading as a Doctor. I guess the idiot blond lesbo was a turn-off for them, though I heard it was that disgusting woke retcon of the Dr.'s origins that really destroyed the fanbase. Nice job, BBC.


I only started watching in 2010 when a heterosexual producer took over and most of the queer coding and queer baiting disappeared from the show until 2015. Then I bailed.
