MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2023) Discussion > Who is rooting for the bad guys now?

Who is rooting for the bad guys now?

...if you excuse the pun.

Let's take 2 of the doctor's most famous enemies, the daleks and the cyber men.

Daleks exterminate anything that isn't dalek. All they have to do is offer to exterminate someone's gender and under the BBC's woke regime the entire human race gleefully surrenders.

Rename the cybermen to the cybertrannies for the same result.


I dont root anymore since ive had to jettison "modern" DW from my life. But if i was still watching i would likely be rooting for the Cyber Freeks. They represent AI as far as I'm concerned and is inevitably our real life demise anyway. Assimilate!! Assimilate!! Assimilate!!
