
To be fair, I've only watched the first twenty minutes of Room, but I find it to be terribly dull and uninteresting. Does it get better? It has a high IMDB rating, for what that's worth.

I'll try to finish it, but frankly I think there are MUCH better "Trapped woman" movies out there, such as that recent Cloverfield Lane film or even the classic Japanese avant-garde film Woman of the Dunes.

Brie Larson does NOTHING in the first 20 minutes worthy of an Oscar in my eye, so maybe there's more later on. I'll give it another chance tonight.

But the biggest reason I had to shut off the film was the kid. He totally got on my nerves, and I couldn't take it anymore. Most annoying kid in a movie I've seen in some time...


Am shocked you felt that way about the film and I hope you gave it another chance and was able to see more to the film.

As for Brie Larsons acting, she does an amazing job, including Jacob Tremblay.
For such a young kid, it amazed me how beautiful his work was done and acted.

Alas, I was compelled the whole way through the movie and thought it was excellent.


I did manage to finish watching the film. It turned out better than I expected following the dismal start. Jacob Tremblay gave a solid performance for someone so young, and his character was really the main character of the film. Brie Larson's character was more of a supporting character (she probably shouldn't have won Best Actress, but she did well).

The storyline was nothing special, and the direction was average. Cinematography was dull, but this is secondary, as the main focus of the film was the characters themselves and how they developed as the film progressed. With 5/10 being average, I'd say this film was a 6-7/10. I think I'd recommend Room to anyone interested in a realistic, character-driven film, not a blockbuster / CGI-fest.


I'm so glad that you watched the whole film and were able to adjust your opinion!


I saw the movie till the end and found it very boring after the Jacks mom's release from the room. In my opinion, the movie could perfectly end in that point.


I thought the same. I know seeing the aftermath of being trapped in a small room for almost a decade would be an important part of the story, but, for me, the film became quite boring after Ma was rescued. I was hoping, really, to see more of them being trapped in Room and how they survived and interacted and imagined the world outside. Inside Room, it was an interesting story. Afterwards, not so much.



"I didn't bother to finish as much as the first act before deciding the quality of a movie"

Are you trying to sound dumb?


It's funny how people interpret movies so differently. I myself found the later part of the movie emotional and heart warming, as well as interesting to see how these two people especially the son adapt to life on the outside and being free.

**cArNiVaLs oF fAyGo**
