This came out??

Along with that Tomb Raider reboot a few years back, I honestly missed this movie beaming released.


posted 2 days ago by hootiehome (271)
Along with that Tomb Raider reboot a few years back, I honestly missed this movie beaming released.

It's literally in the title of the board "Cruella (2021)"
You can see it in three separate places - in the path, in the title, and in the summary.

WTF are you talking about "a few years back?"


lol. I think they mean that they didn't realize this movie has been released, and the same thing happened to them a few years ago when Tomb Raider was released without their knowledge, but they didn't word it properly. I'm cracking up over here.


Hahahaha. Okay, that makes a whole lot more sense. Thanks for chiming in.


Otherwise known as dodging a bullet.


No. Hootiehome shot her/himself square in the foot with that malaprop sentence.


Oh yeah it did! (Maybe you would have missed it pandemic or no pandemic.) And not including places like this site, it was a hit with audiences! That’s right, it was embraced by many. Wicked film


hootiehome loves America’s Got Talent—indeed, is the sole poster in that section—so that may explain hootie’s limited perspective.


Cruella 2 comes out June of 2023.
