MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Earth (2015) Discussion > Where is the power coming from?

Where is the power coming from?

Its been at least 3-4 years since everyone died off. Did I miss something or an explanation? Is there a nearby nuclear power plant? Solar electric? hydro-electric? Wind? Or, is the complex powered by hidden squirrels on treadmills with a mountain of nuts? Either way, any of those systems would require maintenance and upkeep or else they would fail.


Until now they have not really had power except from generators. This new building appears to have its own power source which has not been defined. Could be solar, you would think they would want to figure it out, and get an overall sense on how the building works rather than trashing everything to their convenience.

Take for example that idiotic shower set up with the sprinklers. A complex of that size with IIRC 5 different buildings does not have any showers? Silicon Valley buildings would be designed with the employee in mind, including 1) a gym and 2) showers for said gym.

Dee da dee


> A complex of that size with IIRC 5 different buildings does not have any showers? Silicon Valley buildings would be designed with the employee in mind, including 1) a gym and 2) showers for said gym.

And, it seems that the building Gail is trapped in is some kind of hotel. I'm sure there's a shower in every room.

But yeah, a self-contained complex like that has to have everything. I mean, they have a liquor store on site. Somewhere there's a shower.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


It seems you guys are still expecting them to follow society's rules.
The thing is, they don't CARE anymore.

This isn't Walking Dead where everybody works as a community to make things feel familiar. This show is about that other group, the lazy people. The ones that the zombies got first, except that there are no zombies.

They decide to live in the first building they see without bothering to check any of the surrounding area, and now they're too settled in to move. Why go all the way to a shower in a hotel building when they can just use the sprinklers? That's work!

Edit: I don't mean to make it sound like I'm frustrated. Just stating things as I see them. Hell, I'd be right there with them, honestly, I'd never even leave my vodka pool.

My sources are all made up from my mind


> It seems you guys are still expecting them to follow society's rules. The thing is, they don't CARE anymore.

But, they should care somewhat. They seem to have unlimited resources, but, in many ways, their resources are limited. They found frozen bacon at one point and frozen pizza at another. The odds are tiny that they will ever have those things again in their lives. Things like that are running out. As people point out, gasoline and the vehicles that run on it should become extinct very soon. They need to be smart with the resources that they do find.

And now the office building. They will never find anything this amazing ever again and they should care enough about their future to keep the building in good condition. But no, they waste it all.

> Why go all the way to a shower in a hotel building when they can just use the sprinklers? That's work!

Because, even a dimwit should realize that if they break the sprinkler system now, they will have no running water at all once it all drains away. Lewis explained that the water is only collected when it rains. That's a limited supply.

> Hell, I'd be right there with them, honestly, I'd never even leave my vodka pool.

I guess a lot of people would do that too. But, really, is that what you want to do with the rest of your life? After two days of drinking margaritas mixed with your own filth, wouldn't you kind of be done with it? I would.

Besides, the liquor store only has a limited supply of booze.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I recommend reading those writer interviews that have their own thread on the board. Den of Geek. They actually talk about this building with it's power and other amenities.


There are 43,000 liquor stores in the USA alone

If they drink their way through an entire liquor store monthly they won't run out for over 3,000 years and then they can try another country

You have to consider this: The USA while in operation can support over 300,000,000 people.

A small group of survivors could scavenge for 100 years and not run out of places they haven't yet explored

The reality is average people tend to be pretty lazy unless they find motivation. Without motivation to pay rent and no new forms of entertainment that require spending money, what motivation do any of them have other than to simply scavenge?

It's not like they need jobs or a boss, and doing anything other than just get up and eat or drink are chores that no one is requiring them to do.

None of them is thinking far enough ahead to say "we will rebuild the human race". Now if the show wants to be serious about it, the birth of babies might change that as the arrival of kids might motivate them to care.

But short of that, there's enough canned food and liquor to survive a couple of centuries just wandering from one town to another even on foot for a group this small.

Humans survived on this planet for thousands of years as nomads picking berries and foraging. This last little group is doing the same thing but in an urban jungle.

And with the infrastructure of the USA being capable of supporting 100's of millions of people, it looks like an infinite supply to a group this small so they aren't thinking ahead at all.

And without kids to create a legacy, they will never have the motivation to change their ways.


> A small group of survivors could scavenge for 100 years and not run out of places they haven't yet explored

From what they've shown, our little group is rather sedentary. They don't really like to pack up and move. They find a place and stay there. They would quickly exhaust the food and liquor stores in the area.

Besides, I think that they have been getting lucky so far. The show tells us that the virus did take a while to kill everyone off. There was time to collect the bodies and for people to start on treks to find their families. There should have been massive rioting and looting in the last few days. I am surprised that there are any liquor or food store intact.

Plus, some supplies are not infinite. Fresh produce, frozen food, and prepared food should be long gone. Boxed and bagged food should not be good for much longer (animals probably got into them). Only canned goods will last for many years. And, have you been to the grocery store lately? Only about 10% of the goods are canned anymore.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?




Lance Armstrong is in the basement riding a bicycle like in that ESPN commercial.
