How come Gail didn't try...

to knock the roof out of the elevator?


That's what I was wondering too.


I'm wondering why she didn't try to shoot the windows so the gang would hopefully notice. Unless I'm mistaken, it seemed like she had a pretty clear line of site to them from the opening.


Yeah, IRL it's a terrible thing to do and people get hurt doing it. But on tv it's the norm and pretty much expected.


I gotta say, even IRL if the elevator is stuck and there's no more humans on the planet to come find you: I'm still gonna try and knock out that ceiling panel to escape

Pointing out that something might be dangerous is kind of silly when the alternative is: do nothing and die

You take the risk since the alternative is worse


They also didn't show us the ceiling, which makes me think that we're supposed to think that it's one of those ceilings you can't open and climb out onto


When it's something unusual (like an elevator ceiling that can't open in case of emergency), that's something that a storyteller should make explicit rather than hope the audience will assume.



perhaps they should've been more explicit about it, but I think most elevators are like that anyway. Especially new ones.


Most tv shows and movies involving situations like these show that escape latches are accessible from the inside. If this is not true, most people who are not familiar with the technical aspects of elevators won't know it's not true so at best, the truth of the issue is dubious. In such a case, if we're supposed to assume one fact over another fact, it's still on the storytellers to be clear on what they want us to think.



All modern elevators have a ceiling hatch; but the majority of them only open from the outside for rescue workers to get into them

Still, they could have showed her trying and than giving up


They're all idiots. Expect anything more and you will be disappointed, lol.
Maybe we didn't see the ceiling because Gail didn't even think to check.


They've drawn her character as stupid, since she trusted an elevator in an unoccupied building with allegedly "self-sustaining" power.


She didn't ring the elevator alarm. That would be louder than her yelling and maybe those outside would've heard it.


Because there are no power to the building. Tandy and (the gay (no offence) asian (still no offence just forgot the name) guy turned it off) Remember??? think you should watch it all again just to be sure... :) sry for forgetting his name ;P


I literally came here because the last episode was DISTURBING
She basically didnt try anything. it took her DAYS to try.... opening the door...
She had a gun.. guns are VERY good at penetrating things.. and apparently like 12 shots at least. She could have tried literally shooting herself a hole. Not sure of caliber but it was large. Bigger than .38. We assumed it was a comedy thing so when she taps a piece of tape to the robot it's just a "whacky moment". But if the shows getting all dark and serious then she shouldnt be doing "whacky".. noone in their right mind would have done that.. put it on top. BEFORE you replace the robot, with lots of tape etc. maybe a flat. Ditto on shooting the windows out why WOULDNT you. And ive never seen an elevator that was a steel cube deathtrap designed to kill people if the power goes out. It was just a horrible episode.

I just thought maybe the last bullet was supposed to be "up" to shoot the cable and have the elevator fall.

RE the alarm: those would operate on backup emergency batteries or theyd be completely useless. It would be insane not to operate them on independant batteries not the ones the lights use. Unless theyre literally designing elevators to kill you


That's what I was wondering. I guess she's just dumb. Boom.
