Kristen Schaal love..

Kristen Schaal deserves an Emmy, an Oscar, a Tony, a Golden Globe, a People's Choice Award, the Palm d'Or, and every other award imaginable for her performance in Sunday's episode.

What an absolute comedic genius.


I love how she's just been throwing herself into the "daughter" role.  It's a side of Carol we had never had a chance to see before last week's episode, but it's completely believable that she would've had that kind of contentious yet very close relationship with her own mom and that she still misses it (especially when she feels her own maternal instincts kicking in).

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


You are so right! She is fantastic and her performance is always adapting while remaining truthful. I'm a huge fan.

everyone deserves one good scare.


She's certainly growing on me over the course of the series. I only dislike how they use her for filler now and then. Like with the mother/daughter relationship between her and Gaile.


I watch the show with my family and none of us can understand how anyone can possibly love this actress. We all find her so completely annoying. I personally cannot think of one actor that I dislike more than her. Every time she's on screen it's like nails being scratched on a chalkboard. I really wish they would kill the character off and replace her with just about anybody.


So I take it you don't agree?


I agree. But I love nails on chalkboards. That scene in Jaws is my favorite.

I fell in love with her as the lovable stalker Mel in Flight of the Conchords.


I have always loved her quirkiness, but this show, I think, made me fall in love WITH HER? It's weird. She's the best tho.
