MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Earth (2015) Discussion > I miss when it was literally "The last m...

I miss when it was literally "The last man on earth"

I`ve lost interest and it`s mainly due to the supporting cast, I syopped atching about 4 episodes ago.

Although I`m sure it would eventually get boring watching him by himself week after week I fell like the best parts were before all the others show up, if anything they should have ran with him being alone and the series finale could have been him meeting Carol, instead there`s one amazing unique to other sitcom episode and a bunch of the same dribble we`re always exposed to minus and intro and all the random extras.

I like Carol and would have managed her being there eventually but then she banged the black guy while still involved with Phil which we are all supposed to ignore, this means he has quite literally been a cuck twice and that`s also ruined his character a bit.


If the show were just about Phil being by himself, it would have gotten very, very old after about 4 episodes.


They're in season 3. There was only 1 episode where he was alone. The show was never meant to be one man.
Out of 40 episodes or so you miss just one part at the very beginning


Carol and Tandy were broken up when she slept with Phil. It was her sleeping with Phil that made Tandy jealous and he realized that he really did like her and wanted her back.


It's the curse of the coupling. Face it, single people are just more fun to watch than dating/married couples. It's happened to all the great shows. Friends, Big Bang Theory, this. Unfortunately, it's the natural step in any story and is no doubt here to stay.

(I should emphasize that The Big Bang Theory is now, and has been for the past 4 seasons or so, utter garbage.)


As lame as it would be, maybe they stay true to the title of the show by having a twist ending, revealing that Phil has imagined everything from meeting Carole and onward.

The guy talks to various sport-related balls. All I'm saying.


That is one theory that's been kicked around. It's all a dream.

Morbid as it may sound, it would be an interesting end to the show if at the end we see Phil's truck hit the rocks.
