
I didnt see a thread for this but why are they still calling him Tandy? Black Phil is dead, they can call him Phil again

We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have about three seconds to live.


I was wondering about that too. I guess the writers think it's funny.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


the writers are idiots


After Hot Phil perished, annoying useless Phil demanded of everyone that he be called Tandy because everyone hated him when he was Phil and he was trying to show them that he changed. It was a stupid plot point in the beginning of this messed up season.


Agree with everyone here. Same reason he STILL has them damn eyebrows. It stopped being funny about 5 or 6 episodes ago guys. You can give him real eyebrows now. Writing has been slipping but I really like when it gets dramatic, the writing is stronger when they get serious.


Guess this is no longer a comedy? This season has really sucked. The stupid eyebrows. And in the previews he'll still have them next season.

Not even looking forward to this show's return in the spring.
