Tandy's super annoying now

What's the deal with that now? Season 3 his character has become more annoying than funny. There's no payoff so far either. I need to see someone punch him in the face or kick him in the balls. Something!


By this point they'd probably push him off the nearest cliff.


Very, to the point of making the show unwatchable. Michael Scott was similar at times, but at least there was payoff and he was only like that a fraction of his screen time compared to 99% of Tandy's.


yeah him and those stupid eyebrows, he's gotta knock it off

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Note to producers: We get it. Tandy is annoying. And all hair grows at the same pace. If the hair on his head is growing in, so should his eyebrows. The groucho marx eyebrows gag is played out.


Great point. The fact that the eyebrows lasted more than one episode is just stupid. Not funny


Agreed, Boom!!!


oh farts


Yeah ... I agree with that ... the show has maybe one laugh per episode, but many annoyances. It's just not funny anymore, and even more unrealistic than ever, so unrealistic thatI just don't care. Very sad about that. I am not sure why. Maybe it was the long wait for new episodes after speed watching through seasons 1 & 2 and having time to think, or maybe the dynamic of the show just changed.

Like the Marguerita swimming pool just makes me mad now.


Watch Season one and two again. He's the same as he's always been. The difference is that now we're finally invested in the rest of the group too, as opposed to hating them and cheering for Tandy.

We like these people more now, and Tandy's an intrusive *beep* who never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shuts up.

Phil was right all along.

My sources are all made up from my mind


I just re-watched them and he's definitely more annoying now than he was then and I'm no more "invested" in the other characters. The only other character I like is the tubby fellow.


I so agree. Tonight's episode was just too much. Who ever told Will Forte that walking around in a dinosaur suit would be funny for more than 10 sec? come on. Forte is starting to be like nails on a chalkboard for me.
