MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Earth (2015) Discussion > The characters are not ordinary people, ...

The characters are not ordinary people, they are extraordinary

Extraordinarily stupid, incompetent, dishonest, lazy I mean. The producers have tried to fob off on us the idea that these people are just like us with a few comical quirks. What utter drivel. In a survival situation these are the ones that the group would get rid of for the saftey of everyone else. Tandy the city/resource/house destroyer is just the worst. The writers gleefully kill or maim anyone who shows the least bit of competence as if being sensible is a crime. Anyone who sympathetically relates to these disgraceful examples of human garbage needs therapy. Melissa was the last hope of levelheadedness and now the writers have chosen to present her as a psycho-paranoid freak. I really wonder how long poor Lewis will last before the writers destroy him as well.


The last thing on earth I want to watch is a show full of people like me and people I know.


The last thing on earth I want to watch is a show full of people like me and people I know.
Exactly. I have life for that.


> The last thing on earth I want to watch is a show full of people like me and people I know.

And how many people do you know that have been thrust into a post-apocalyptic situation?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Well, I relate to them, especially Carol, who is really quite a very kind and sympathetic person, with eccentricities (and arguably, mental health quirks) that line up to mine. I relate to Erica too, even though the writers don't give her an awful lot to do she's clearly a good person at heart, or at least not a bad one. And since I've been diagnosed with PTSD fairly recently I've found myself relating quite a bit to Melissa, who clearly just wants to run away from or burn her problems rather than face them.

I've been in therapy for almost ten years now. I'm not ashamed of it all.


You literally have just expressed exactly why I enjoy the show so much. Nice job. You nailed it.

"I'm playing a role, sir. What are you doing?"


I think Erica, Gail, and Lewis are believable and "normal".
The rest of the characters serve their own role.
Tandy is an annoying guy and the joke was that the only other woman that is available is Carol, who is annoying and weird.... only for the hot and amicable (well, at first) Melissa to appear.... who is swept off by fat but a good natured Todd.... and so on.


I hate comedy too.


I thank whoever the writer was that brought Lewis into the mix because for me he's the only relatable person on here, even if he's gay and is a tree doctor. The others are great at reminding us of our flaws and stupid behavior but Lewis reminds us of our common sense and potential. They're like those friends we have that are great on weekends but during the weekdays you try to steer clear of them because you have responsibilities now. They really went overboard with Phil, Lewis seems way more balanced and essential to the cast. If they kill off anyone then it better be Melissa...maybe while giving birth. Someone will have to die giving birth.

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Someone will have to die giving birth.

This is essentially what I've been saying from the beginning. It's not realistic to show three women, all willing to potentially throw their lives away to give birth to a child with less-than-ideal genes (given who we're talking about) in the first place. It has been pointed out that the genetic diversity in this small pool is too small for viable re-population of the species. No one is studying childbirth, no one is trying to get supplies, medications, surgical tools, anything that you might need for childbirth. This show, if it wasn't idiotic in the first place, truly became idiotic when it started this "I want to have a baby without even a nurse or blood transfusion available to me" nonsense.


> It's not realistic to show three women, all willing to potentially throw their lives away to give birth to a child

I think it is very realistic for them to start trying to have babies. The future of humanity probably depends on it. And, even worse, there seem to be no humans under 30 years old. If they don't start having babies soon, they may not even have the option.

> No one is studying childbirth, no one is trying to get supplies, medications, surgical tools, anything that you might need for childbirth.

Yeah, you'd think someone ought to be studying that. I'm surprised that Carol and Lewis aren't doing exactly that.

> This show, if it wasn't idiotic in the first place, truly became idiotic when it started this "I want to have a baby without even a nurse or blood transfusion available to me" nonsense.

Well, women have been giving birth for tens of thousands of years now without blood transfusions available. I think they will be okay if they study a few books.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Tandy started off as a bad guy but he's come around 180. I think the plot of this show was originally "Tandy trying to manage himself" and now it's "Tandy trying to manage the world"

I think the show can't stay interesting unless the characters undergo all this change IMO
