I finally like Melissa

I love that they're writing her as a nutcase now, she's finally adding something cool to the show.


It's a good strategy for an actress whose main role is being hot. Act crazy too. Works IRL also

What a lovely way to burn...


> I love that they're writing her as a nutcase now, she's finally adding something cool to the show.

And, I wonder why this is coinciding with Pat's death/disappearance. Perhaps she found him still alive and decided to tie him up in a basement somewhere and fake his escape to the boat just to scare everyone into believing that they need firepower and security.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Ha, that'd be a funny twist, and he wouldn't need to be alive for it. It'd be funnier to see her find him alive, kill him, then stage the escape, IMO.


> Ha, that'd be a funny twist, and he wouldn't need to be alive for it.

But, there would be many more plot options moving forward if he were still alive. Maybe someone else finds him, maybe he gets healthy and escapes.

> It'd be funnier to see her find him alive, kill him, then stage the escape, IMO.

Remember that this is still a comedy. Characters have died, yes, but they've all been due to accidents or sickness or self-defense. Pre-meditated murder is a line that I don't believe that they will cross.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Maybe it's just because I didn't like Pat.

And I don't think they'd have a problem with murder, especially if they lean into Melissa being insane.


> Maybe it's just because I didn't like Pat.

That's perfectly reasonable. But, his character was designed so that no one would like him and they'd cheer his death. The producers will get more viewers if the villain survives than if the villain is killed off in his third episode.

> And I don't think they'd have a problem with murder, especially if they lean into Melissa being insane.

Remember that the producers still have to answer to the network executives and the home audience. Having a character resort to pre-meditated murder is a huge step for a comedy and will not be welcomed by the executives or the audience.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


If you'll notice she began to deteriorate slowly into her current state from the time she killed Pat's companion, sorry can't remember his name but he was the third guy buried on the beach. Prior to this she was acting all macho like she was some tough girl but still appeared normal. Then she shot the guy and never really reacted to it like most would. The other asked if she was alright and she just shrugged it off like no big deal. It has affected her.


She definitely has PTSD. Not to mention that in an alternate reality the guy she shot was her husband. That's got to be taxing on the psyche.


I think my absolute favorite Melissa moment so far was last season when she was chewing the bedazzling off her boots. I love crazy town banana pants Melissa. Her unloading on Jon Hamm was amazing. What a season opener!


100% agreed. 

It'll be interesting when they revisit the Todd-Melissa-Gail polyamory* in the upcoming episode "The Power of Power" (3x5, Nov. 6) after Gail** supposedly gets "pushed to her breaking point" in ep. 3x4 ("Five Hoda Kotbs," Oct. 23) and with Melissa now a total crazypants. 

3x4: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20160928fox18/
3x5: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20161012fox21/

* It'll be the first time since "Fourth Finger" (2x15) that they've really focused on that relationship as part of an episode's plot (since then it's mostly been pushed into the background). 

** I actually got a little sad at the end of this past episode (3x3) when she packed her Gordon dummy. 

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


And now she's a crazy person who wants to have a baby. This does not bode well for the group. But frankly, I think anyone who'd want to have a baby in these circumstances would be crazy (no doctors, no nurses, probably no safe pain medication to use, etc., etc.).


In the next episode (3x6), Todd is supposed to "address Melissa's mental state head-on" (according to the FOX press release for "The Open-Ended Nature of Unwitnessed Deaths"). I wondered what was up with her burning her shirts at the end of last night's ep -- I suppose her line in "Five Hoda Kotbs" about liking the sight of San Francisco's charred ruins was likely meant to foreshadow this...

I think we'll find it likely has more to do with wanting to shed her past (and put the murder of Darrell behind her) than simply getting rid of her small, tight tops so Todd will pick her up some maternity wear.  If memory serves, in the middle of s.2, she and Todd briefly broke up after their fight over whether or not to have kids; now, her wanting to make a baby after all could be a sign of both desperation to hang onto Todd -- given her line last night about how he's the only thing in the world that matters to her and she doesn't know what she'd do if she ever lost him -- and trying to lose a major, defining part of her old self.

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


She's proper bonkers and it's excellent! What the others haven't discussed (or maybe figured out yet) - the threat of Pat aside - is that they'll still be dealing with landmines, axes and machine guns even when they move. She's everyone's newly appointed bodyguard with a trigger happy finger.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


she's like the mad max character on this show


she's grown on me too

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


Bad actress, not buying it at all.


She reminds me a lot of Rikki Lindholme with her new attitude.
