Two moments

This past episode is great. To me it has several aspects that I think are great. It is obviously funny and the sometimes subtle. It is serious and it can be touching. I have really enjoyed this show so far. When Tandy stepped out I went from, "No way" to "WHAT THE HELL". They knew what they were doing. Then when Tandy left that note......just all around good stuff. Arrested Development had great writing and so does this.


It's got the slapstick and the subtlety, and is (I think) deceptively simple, silly. Also often very touching, yes. All of the characters can be irksome at times, all are redeemable, loveable in different ways. Especially Tandy. He's the extreme. Love him, love the show.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.


A lot of the Last Man writing staff worked on Community too. Very similar in the style and comedy as TLMOE and Arrested Development.


They worked on Community? That is awesome.

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. ...Come watch TV?


Mostly I just meant Andy Bobrow and Liz Cackowski.
