did tandys brother die

did jason sudekis die or did he just leave him in their childhood home


We don't know. I assume that the producers left that question open-ended so that they could bring him back someday or not.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Exactly, and... I hope he makes more appearances. Liked him better in this than as Zorn right now.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.


> Liked him better in this than as Zorn right now.

I can't imagine that Zorn takes up much time. Just a few days in the recording studio and he's done for the season.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I agree, bring him back and besides, I'm not a fan of Zorn. It's not really funny.


> I'm not a fan of Zorn. It's not really funny.

It seems like it should have been a lot better than it is turning out. The premise had a lot of promise, but they've squandered the opportunities that they've had. It has turned into a bland fish-out-of-water story.

It would have been much better if Zorn wasn't hired as an office worker, but rather as a bounty hunter or security guard or bouncer that would put his talents to use, even if they were massively inappropriate.

And, maybe, have his son adore his father and secretly get dad to do cool hero stuff. They took a step forward in this direction in this last episode where the wife was shown to have learned tricks from Zorn that she still uses.

That's what is kind of missing from this show; Zorn needs to have 2-3 characters that think that he's cool and want to hang out with him. But, everyone so far (except the office flunky) looks at Zorn as a pathetic loser. I mean, c'mon, he's saved the world from countless villains; he deserves some respect.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Reasonably he would have died.
1. If he died, he died.
2. If he did not die, then why would he just stay there alone?

He would not stay in the family house along, so unless we found
or got captured by some other group he would have returned to

So, if he lived there will be a major plot turning around on it.

I think whether he lives of dies depends on how much Jason
Sudekis asks for to appear in any ressurection of the character
on the show. I get he wants more than Will, so probably he is


I still kinda like the idea that Mike is alive but taken by some mysterious others. Will Forte said in an interview that the sports balls would show up again, so I wonder if next episode he'll return to Tuscon and find the sports balls but no Mike.


Remember, there was a worm he brought back from space, too.


I think it would make more sense if he was still alive, plot-wise.
He reacted to the virus but he managed to survive.


Tandy didn't open the room, so perhaps Mike was just sleeping there LOL
Why won't he rejoin the group if he's alive? Well you have the whole world in your hands and you want to stay with a bunch of losers? :P
