Did Phil lie about his past?

Tandy looked at Phil's ID and discovered that his middle name was Stacey. He has long hair and is wearing a suit in the photo. This looks a bit like the show was telling us that he fabricated his past..right?

Did he re-invent himself after the virus?

Could the others be lying about their pasts also?

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Could be. This would be a very interesting plot for the show to explore, i think.


I think it's more that nobody ever asks. Was Phil2 in the military? We don't know but we all assume something like that because he's big and buff and knows how to do things. But maybe he was in construction. Or maybe he was mercilessly taunted because his middle name was Stacey and he had a stutter.

Look at Erica when she reveals her past to Mike. Nobody in the group really goes out of their way to find anything out about each other.


And now we have Melissa blowing people away like no big deal. It kinda reminds me of "lost" with how their pasts caught up with them. I'm not really interested in their pasts though unless it's Tandy digging the dirt on what a loser Melissa was before the virus.

Still, after around 3 years alone I think they're all legit survivors and probably all certifiably as crazy as Tandy. I like to see that part come out because Tandy talked to balls, Mike talked to worms, Carol made dolls, Gail had the dummy etc., what did the others do? As the fuel and food goes bad and they can't just lounge around anymore, how will they handle it?

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Ha! Good point. They all had their coping mechanisms.

TV: http://ihatemydvr.blogspot.com


I loved Melissa biting the jewels off her boots. If we needed anymore proof that she took a ride on the crazy train that would be it.


Phil2 did say he was in the military though in his first episode. He said he was in special forces and then did private contracting after he was discharged. He seemed to be pretty handy with technology (the solar panels). But that was something my SO and I discussed, if he really was special forces trained, wouldn't he have basic emergency first aid knowledge?


He should have been able to save Gordon on the beach ...

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
be kind, rewind...


Should he? Honest question, I'm not a medical expert.

I thought CPR was just an emergency stop-gap measure to keep the blood flowing until you can get into a doc who can clear the blockage.


Phil2 did say he was in the military though in his first episode. He said he was in special forces and then did private contracting after he was discharged.
He said all those things, yes. But he also said he didn't have a middle name. It's a whole new world and you can be who you want. You can be Phil the ex-Special Forces super buff hot guy now instead of pool salesman stuttering Stacey.


If you had read all of my comment, you would have seen that I was agreeing with the reinventing himself idea. If he was special forces, how is it that he did know basic first aid?


The funny thing is I read your comment and still missed the point. Go Monday!!


No prob. I caught the head cold that is going around here and it has literally made me feel like a three year old at times. So hard to think. :)
