Oh farts!

An interesting season finale there, complete with a nuclear reactor meltdown. (And that's a bad thing.)

Meanwhile, two questions:

What's with Will Forte's eyebrows? Is he continuing to shave them as a joke, or what?

Does anyone know when the next season begins.




I was losing my patience w Tandy more than ever tonight --god i just wanted to smack him -- but man am I glad we're out of that stupid bldg. once and for all. The reality of their situation has finally reared its ugly head and I'm glad for it. You can't have a show about the end of the world without some end of the world stuff. Plus, everyone is stepping up to the plate bc they finally have to. Hooray for that. The ending -- yay!!!-- gives me hope the show will finally go in a direction that makes sense. Too bad they forgot the cow.

As far as him shaving his eyebrows. Just more Tandy annoyance as far as I can tell. Maybe they thought we wouldn't notice.


I couldn't agree more. I wanted to smack him several times during this episode. But now we're back into some good end of the world stuff. Recently they've been treading water with ridiculous sub plots: Melissa going cataonic, finding little Jasper, etc.

Too bad about the cow, but after a nuclear plant meltdown, would they want to drink the milk?



This season was a dreadful bore. But this two part finale was terrific, just like old times. Top shelf comedy and drama and surprises. Tandy singing his terrible nuclear meltdown song in a house getting dragged down the road is what this show is all about. And his Phil impression during the birth was hysterical and everything in-joke show writing should be.


Amen. The Phil impression was extremely cringe worthy. He's such an ass, but I love it!



Yeah, not sure what happened this season. I'm guessing they never thought it would get this far. (Some people are good on concepts only.) I'm hoping they'll get some good ideas by next season, bc I, for one, think the apocalypse is the perfect backdrop for comedy gold.


Yeah, but you wouldn't know if based on recent shows, especially tonight's. It was gross, disgusting and stupid!



OMG yes - AWFUL. Embarrassing, gross, and stupid.


Yep. Not sure how much I will continue to watch this drek. If I do, it will only be out of morbid curiosity.



I'm in the same boat!! I keep wanting it to be more apocalyptic and watching how they deal with it in a funny way.



