MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > The Expanse Season 4 SUCKS! (Spoilers Ga...

The Expanse Season 4 SUCKS! (Spoilers Galore)

OK, first things first: I haven’t read the books and I loved the first 3 seasons. The story was compelling and engaging, character development was adequate and the special effects absolutely breath-taking. I also loved the respect for physics, which I noticed in how they handle gravitational pulls and also when they execute slingshot maneuvers, etc. The show nailed it IMHO.

Then I got to season 4 and this is what I see:

- Roberta “Bobbie” Draper: The Martian tomboy with anger management issues and authority conflicts is now reduced to a bit more than a pariah back in Mars and ends up fighting… Martian drug dealers? To help her lil’ bro?? WTF!!??

- Shararamalan Kajagoogoo: Sorry, I just can’t spell her name. The old fart with the sandpaper voice, whom throughout the first 3 seasons was the epitome of cunning, self control and classy elegance, is now a disheveled old meatbag that keeps dropping the “F” word twice per dialog. Thank goodness that this time the show makers didn’t try to make her look “hot” by wrestling all those skin flaps into a space suit designed for women 72 years younger. Kajagoogoo demonstrates that she can overreact more than a Paraguayan soap opera “actress”.

- James “Cap” Holden: This dude began as a really flat character and ended even worse. A person who must *always* take the “good” course of action no matter what. I don’t recall a longer chain of “righteous” decisions since the last time I played DnD with a Lawful Good Paladin (and it was BGII, so go figure). BUT, to the point: During the first 3 seasons Holden witnessed, first hand, the powers of the protomolecule and is quite aware of how it reacts to violence:
o He witnessed a slingshot racer braking so abruptly that the pilot became red goo.
o He saw a ship getting disassembled to the last screw because it approached too fast.
o He saw a soldier using a grenade against the protomolecule and saw said soldier turned into marmalade.
So, now, in this new planet (“Ilus”) he discovers some protomolecule-derived structures, notices that it is activating so… what does he do? He a fires a f….ng torpedo at the thing. A torpedo!!!

- Amos and whatshername: So now Amos is involved in a relationship. So much WOW. Honestly I can name 12 inanimate objects with more chemistry than this couple, including sandwiches of tuna fish and peanut butter.

- Alex and Naomi: Were they here? They were? Where and doing what? Who cares. In any case, irrelevant.

Overall, I think season 4 (specially when compared to the other 3 seasons) is an insult to the intelligence of the average viewer and a clear example of what happens when lack of creativity meets with the need to produce another season to keep the money coming in. If this show is closely based on the books then this season is a good reason to discard the idea of reading the series… even if I could get it for free.


I have to agree. It wasn’t a good season or maybe the preceding seasons were just remarkable achievements which makes a very functional season 4 seem tame.

Maybe there’s new writers or something behind the scenes but they clearly different characters and tone compared to the earlier seasons.

Even if it’s still following the books, the tone of the series has changed and not in a good way.


I agree, unfortunately. I will stick with it, but season 4 felt like the entire season was a transitional zone. There was no payoff within the season and some of the characters didn't seem to have much to do. The only thing that really made an impression on me in Season 4 was that Naomi cannot ever live on a planet, causing a dilemma between herself and [checks name] Holden*. I really hope season 5 is better.

*Not the first time I've been unable to remember his name.


They were too busy crossing t's and dotting i's to remember the characters. Season 4 was such a letdown, and after such a great season 3. And then they killed off Klaes Ashford played by David Strathain ... but at least they kept Camina Drummer played by Cara Gee who I absolutely love. It is so sad that Naomi Nagata was relegated to a background, and ridiculous the way she acted. People who live in a technological society simply would not ignore medical advice and risk their lives. She could have adapted to a planetary surface if she did not push it. And poor Alex was turned into a Star Trek "red shirt", but at least they did not kill him off.


I'd have to agree that someone did not vet the script, and they seriously dropped the ball.

It was just bad all the way around. The only strong part in the whole thing was the guy you hate.

Plus they killed off Ashford one of their best characters. At least they retained Cara Gee's character.

Whatever they did with the writers who have been writing up to now, they blew it.

Now coming up Dec 16th is the new season ... and it seems to have a lot of action, but I hope they don't screw it up.

I'd love to see this series get extended, the world and the characters are so good when they are properly written.


I wouldn't say it sucks but it sure wasn't that good.
