MovieChat Forums > A escondidas (2016) Discussion > Does nobody care about the terrible acti...

Does nobody care about the terrible acting and editing?

I am not going to waste my time writing a whole review for this movie. It's not terrible, but it's definitely NOT the gem some people argue it is.
Starting with the acting. But at least it's the supporting roles that are definitely the worst. If they told me they were "real" people, I would not be surprised.
The editing and writing - by the time the fight breaks at the club, had they seen before? had they seen at the pool? Why do they have to introduce themselves later?
And don't even make me start with all the cliches. Of course there has to be a food fight (wasn't a car wash available?); of course they choose to go to the one place where of course the whole gang is going to find them and of course these 14 years old are going to bond through meditative silence and longing looks at the distance. There's not a single reason why their friendship or their separation should really be meaningful, oh wait - there's a necklace because of course they had to exchange something like that, which explains the whole thing.


I think you are expecting too much. It's just a little low-budget romance/drama gay-themed film that is more than fine, considering that most of the "actors" haven't had any acting career before doing this film. We have to be happy these are even made at all, plus it's Euro, it's indie, and to me some of the points you mentioned seem perfectly fine to me. Like the silence between them: Silence can be very powerful. It has worked for me in the past, plus you don't just randomly come out to the first guy you like, especially at that age. The acting was also not bad - what were you expecting? James Bond moves and dialog? No. I found it perfectly normal. It's about the life of few sad teenagers with probably screwed up families (or no families at all) - there's nothing exciting about it.

I can agree about the editing - the idea was good but badly executed, although it's not that hard to figure out what was the intention.


I agree, especially about the silence. Both of these boys (and especially Ibra) are from civilizations that don't really accept homosexuality, let alone inter-cultural relationships. Not only are these boys gay and in love, but Ibra is (maybe) Muslim, and if it's Spain, the other boy is (maybe) Catholic. They really don't know how to put their feelings into words. I remember my first love, in order to realize it, took a lot of under-the-table leg-touching, longing glances, and silence. Lots and lots of silence. We'd been told our entire lives that what we were feeling was not normal, and how do you verbalize something that isn't normal? You don't know how to verbalize it. I think the film did a great job at conveying that sense of confused wonderment.

As for the rest of the film, I thought the boys were very believable as their characters. You could see the sense of longing in both of their eyes and the way they acted towards each other. However, everybody is right in saying that the editing sucks. I still don't understand some of the timeline, like when Ibra first had the thought of the boys food-fighting, was it actually in his head (like predicting the future), or what? Also, I'm not a fan of how the editor left out a lot of stuff. While at the club the second time (or was it the first but the editing was REALLY THAT BAD), the boys both excuse themselves to the bathroom at the same time. What happened there? Or is the first bathroom scene actually a continuation of the 2nd club scene? See, editing was tripe.

Anyway, I thought it was a cute coming-of-age story, and I like the fact that the director gave us that last, hopeful scene with Ibra escaping on the train, holding his piece of the necklace, and the other boy (why can't I remember his name/it's probably because I have a thing for Middle Easterners and loved Ibra) holding onto his piece and looking out the window. They were both tearing up. It was brilliant.


You said you weren't going to waste your time. Liar.


You don't know what you're talking about. Have you ever made a movie?


You don't know what you're talking about. Have you ever made a movie?
