MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > So Basically theres no way around it, Lo...

So Basically theres no way around it, Logan is kind of a stand alone?

I saw Logan last night...LOVED It.

The Action was incredible and brutal, LOVED X-23 and the actress that played her, thought the story was very good and for me it truly didn't feel like a Comic Book Movie, it felt special.

I did think the middle of the movie slowed down and I didnt love the ending...but overall I loved Logan(I think its in my top 5 CBM's of all time)

Today I've been thinking about it more, and been doing some research about the X-Men timeline....and from what I've read, there's just no way around it, Logan has to kind of be a Stand Alone movie that doesn't fit with The timeline of The other X-Men films

I also really like Days of Future Past, But just learned and realized The ending Of DOFP takes places in 2023/2024...when Wolverine wakes at the end, that is in 2023/2024

well LOGAN takes place in 2029....Theres simply no way The events that happened in LOGAN could have happened in 5 years...

Logan has aged Greatly, The Professor is on deaths bed and all Mutants have died. yet just 5 years earlier at the end of DOFP, Logan had not aged much, The Professor looked healthy, and Mutants were fine.

Unfortunately I just dont see anyway Logan can be anything but a stand alone film that doesn't take place in the same X-Men Universe(which sucks and is odd considering The same actors are playing the 2 leads in Wolverine and Charles)

It also sucks because Much of what gives The Movie its self its heart, Is us the audience knowing what these 2 characters have been through in Previous movies, Yet Theres simply no way that Past could have taken place

anyways I could be missing something, if anyone else has an explanation please tell me.

I still Loved The movie I just wish they could have set it in the same X-Men Universe, which If I'm understanding it correctly would not have been hard...all they had to do was Set the date in which the film takes place back longer, Instead of Logan taking place in 2023/2024, they should have set the date of the film in least the we could believe That LOGAN could have aged as much as he did, The Professor could be on deaths door and Mutants could have died out in the 20 years since The end Of DOFP


The news story on the radio mentioned that all the x-men died the year before. Xavier's seizure killed them all.


I saw the movie as more of an ending to the original 3 x-men movies, could probably throw in the stand alone wolverine movies also.
Xavier mentions how they first met in the first x-men movie and mentions things from the other 2 movies, so I saw it as a fitting end to the original movies we had before days of future past and the other reboots.
Just seems to fit with the crappy future they seem to be in, where things were never set right like in DOFP.


Only 3 I think (Wolverine, Last Stand, and Days of Future Past) were canon along with Logan while the rest weren't if I recall. You can just look up the timeline of the 10-11 Wolverine movies to see where they stand at since they sort of jump all over the place and some have alternate timelines.

Sucks that his own Adamantium was poisoning him. Sucks even more that he won't get treatment for it if he could as it was hampering his healing abilities to its full wearied extent.


This is the best breakdown of the timeline I've seen. It's very convoluted and has many holes:

In summary, you can kind of make it work, but it's messy. However, all the rest of the films are also messy, so really it's kind've the same thing. Maybe this video will wrap it up a bit, or (more likely) it'll just make it more confusing lol.


oh Wow...

I just watched a video on youtube that absolutely makes in clear its 100% impossible for LOGAN to exist in The X-Men timeline.

Logan Literally Is a stand Alone.

In the movie Logan, They specifically say "There hasn't been a mutant born in 25 years" when talking about X-23.

and Logan takes place in 2029.....Yet The End Of Days of Future Past takes place in 2023/2024 and We see A Mansion full of Mutants....some that are kids who have clearly been born in the last 10-15 years.

for me this sucks, I dont like that LOGAN has no links to the other X-Men films...again thats what gives LOGAN its Heart, Is us the audience knowing the History of these characters and knowing what has happened in previous movies.

It also makes many of the Easter Eggs and events in The movie make no sense, In the movie LOGAN there are many ties to specific Previous X-Men movies....Well these simply should not exist sense its impossible for Those events to have taking place sense LOGAN is clearly 100% not set in the timeline of other X-Men films

still love the movie...Just really sucks The story and timeline makes no sense.

heres the vid-


Yep. Hey, the timeline of all three Wolverine movies doesn't make sense. They're kind of all stand alones.


Continuity errors don't turn a movie into a stand-alone.

That would make Spider-Man Homecoming a stand-alone because the beginning said eight years later instead of four.


They timeline is all jacked up. They mention the statue of liberty incident, but maybe that wasn't the same after DOFP. I still think of the movie as a continuation after that point. Basically humans continue to hunt mutants and don't continue the school after Xavier's mental breakdown. I think that's the trigger that was a WMD as hinted as in the film.


They mention it as well as Xavier finding Logan Cage fighting...because they both retained their memories before DOFP changed elements of the original evidenced by the ending scene of DOFP..


Xavier mentions that the movie Shane came out almost a century ago but it came out in 1954 which 2029 is 25 years short of being 100 years from, so maybe they goofed on the date or it was changed sometime during production or something


Would you call 45 minutes "almost an hour"?


no and I don't think 3/4's of a thing is equal on all scales anyways


Why not? Society isn't totally in shambles in Logan. It still exists. It's not like it is in the future in DOFP. Xavier could kill a healthy chunk of the population in seconds. The fallout from that could definitely take place over 5 years.
