MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > What's your favorite scene? *SPOILERS*

What's your favorite scene? *SPOILERS*

One of mine was Charles's seizure at the hotel. It was such a well layered part: the music, the visuals...I also loved how the paralysis was so devastating it took the Reavers and Logan momentarily away from their conflict ....this scene was kind of similar to DOFP' kitchen scene in terms of depth.


Honestly, the seizure scenes gave me a bit of a headache. The buzzing/thrumming sound in the background, the shaky camera and distorted image... It was cool, though, but I personally don't like how they handled it.


the scene in the car where charles gets grumpy

"Same old logan.. blaming the whole world for your boring sh-t "


The scene where Logan sees his clone by the stairs. The way they stare at each other, Jackson’s shocked face and X23’s blank rage — well-done.


That entire sequence is wicked. So intense and well-executed. I want to say it’s THE favorite, but there are a bunch of great ones that are so effective. Although this hotel scene is one of a kind.
