MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > You guys could have brought tranquilizer...

You guys could have brought tranquilizer guns...

Not a lot of thought into bringing equipment to capture people (tasers, gas, tranq, etc...). They decided to all bring assault rifles so the leader can yell at them not to shoot. Especially when they know ahead of time the target resists bullets but is effected by drugs.


Good point, lol. Characters do stupid things for the sake of plot...


I really had a hard time buying into the storyline. We got the tech already, and X-verse tech was always advanced, and this is the future. They'd have drones loaded with tranqs that would zip around zapping people just like Star Trek Insurrection. Zip zip zip, zap zap zap. Done. Movie over.

As for the guns, OMG, shred her calf muscles off. She'll heal back good as new and be totally incapacitated in the mean time. Effects of bullets in general weren't represented well. Wolverine stands in a hail of gunfire from a dozen machine guns and has like 5 bullets to the chest? He'd be ribbons of meat!


You of course have a right to your opinion, but there are a couple of things you overlooked...

You said - "I really had a hard time buying into the storyline. We got the tech already, and X-verse tech was always advanced, and this is the future. They'd have drones loaded with tranqs that would zip around zapping people just like Star Trek Insurrection. Zip zip zip, zap zap zap. Done. Movie over."

Neither Logan or Laura would be affected by tranquilizers.
You said - "As for the guns, OMG, shred her calf muscles off. She'll heal back good as new and be totally incapacitated in the mean time. Effects of bullets in general weren't represented well. Wolverine stands in a hail of gunfire from a dozen machine guns and has like 5 bullets to the chest? He'd be ribbons of meat!"

Granted, incapacitating Laura would work for awhile, but remember that even Pierce said earlier in the film - "Shoot her and she will just heal!" I think that you forgot that Wolverine's skeleton is covered in Adamantium and I am assuming that Laura's is also. Bullets would indeed penetrate his skin, but be stopped by the Adamantium (except of course in his lower abdominal area).

But there is one sticking point I have. If a child (such as Laura) had their bones coated with Adamantium, wouldn't that retard their eventual growth into an adult body?
