MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > I'm surprised Kelsey Grammar's Beast isn...

I'm surprised Kelsey Grammar's Beast isn't in this

When you consider Beast and Xavier's relationship in DOFP and Apocalypse.

I suppose between the events of First Class and X-Men Beast moved away from the mansion but the ending of the new future in DOFP showed Beast having a presence there.



Unless he has already filmed his scenes and is just playing Hank McCoy..... (see what I did there?) Then he isn't going to be in this movie, as it has been done filming for 2 months now.


I'd be surprised if they had had the budget for that given both what they would have to pay Grammer and the expense of dealing with a character who needs hours of makeup each day, which would extend the total number of filming days. As a cameo, sure, as a mostly human Beast maybe, but more than that likely would have been problematic.


I'm sure Fox can afford Kelsey Grammar.


It's not about them being unable to afford it, it's about them being unwilling to pay for it. It's an R-rated movie that already has a $127 million budget thanks to Jackman's typical $20 million salary and however many millions Stewart got out of them. They're hoping that Deadpool's success will lead to better results here, but it's still a big gamble. R-rated movies usually rely on niche audiences to bring in smaller than blockbuster returns during slower movie going months when a big budget blockbuster can't do as well as it needs to.

They can't all be phenomenons so they have to have to hedge their bets in reasonable terms. Already the movie has an insanely high budget given that it's an R-rated movie in A) a series (a lot of sequels make less money despite more being spent on them in non-growth markets) and B) a series that has previously made high 300 to low 400 million in theaters. If returns remain steady with the current budget, they will turn a profit. However, if the budget is increased by millions to accommodate Beast and they see similar profits as past movies then it could be on the line. Obviously, their hope is that it sees some bleed-off from Deadpool's success and that it does, not as well as Deadpool, but better than past films. Nevertheless, they also have to take into account what would happen if it drops in profit as past logic would suggest would come from the switch to an R-rated movie at the tail end of a modestly successful series.

None of this is to suggest that I, personally, am saying that I think the movie has a likely chance of failing. Rather, this is my analysis of how studio people think. They have millions on the line with stock prices to consider and their own jobs to protect. They're therefore not likely to throw millions more at a project like this just because they have it and it would be good fan service. It either has to have a realistic expectation behind it that the money spent will lead to higher ticket sales or the person spending the money has to be incompetent (which, in fairness, is the case a fair bit).


I wouldn't honestly expect anyone but wolverine and xavier in this movie.
