MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Describe your ideal fight scene

Describe your ideal fight scene

That scene in X:men Apocalypse was fantastic. So something like that. Only way more guys getting sliced and diced. If they could do it in one take like in Oldboy that be pretty cool.


This is my ideal fight scene. Xavier with the help of Caliban (who has the ability to sense and track other mutants) both tracked down Logan at a bar. Logan ( who for the past 10 years, no longer had any dealings with the X-men and was living comfortably as a limo driver,never ever popping out his claws since). Logan turns to see his old friend Xavier and Caliban but before Xavier and Caliban can explained their visit to Logan, Lady Deathstrike (who also tracked down Logan to the bar) walks in with two other Reavers. All heck breaks out and Logan has to quickly decided if he either is going to run and let Xavier and Caliban die at the hands of the Reavers or stand up and pop out his claws and fight for their lives and his own.


a 10 minute knock drag out brawl with wolverine in full berserker rage fighting a posse of yakuza gangsters in a snowy forest as the BIG set piece fight


Something involving a full-powered, 90's comic/animated-styled Rogue.


One where everyone shakes hands at the end of their differences being resolved :)
