MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Wow, he fixed the future in DOFP and a y...

Wow, he fixed the future in DOFP and a year later his life is sh!t ?!?

Sorry, I find it very hard to buy this crap! In the end of DOFP, he's pretty much a happy history teacher in the X's school, and in this, set a year later, his life is going to the crapper? Come on.

Can these buggers put some effort to adhere to their timeline? Its the same crap where Wolverine ends up with Stryker, DESPITE being saved by Mystique in DOFP.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a sh!t about YOUR interwebz opinion.


You find it hard to believe that a superhero movie with a happy ending can't have a sequel where things go bad a couple years later?



a couple years later?

1 year between this and DOFP. It isn't couple.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a sh!t about YOUR interwebz opinion.


Yeah I hoped it was at least five years later, its weird.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


If it was set further some years in the timeline, that would have been plausible.

And I see Kinberg's name attached to this too. What's the point if this idiot is attached with all Fox Marvel films including Fant4stic and yet can't establish any sense of continuity or quality in all of them.

Someone is getting an easy paycheck.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a sh!t about YOUR interwebz opinion.


Rigth, in one year he is a crapp, Charles too, and were are Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Kitty, Colossus, etc?
But wait! this si Fox...


Well... if this is even loosely based in Old Man Logan, the whereabouts of the X-Men is explained. Somehow...


I would assume that will be explained very early.

From what we are told his heeling powers are fading, yet I do not buy that as enough to effectively run him into a state of drinking to ease the pain (you would think after 150+ years on Earth and going through what he did that the thought of Death would be somewhat welcoming) and might just be a side excuse story for the real reason.


Wait, is this set one year after DOFP? I thought it would be at least 10 years later... I mean, just look at the pictures of Logan and Professor X


It's not a year in the future. Look at the full size poster.


What do you mean about the poster?


In the fullsize poster he has white hair and looks considerable older.


A twitter user named Boss logic made that up. It's just based on the original photo that was released. It's not real


I'm not sure why people are running with an "exclusive" from The Wrap of all places. The same people that started this "Zendaya as MJ" net war. But I'll play ball. Let's hypothetically say that this film does take place in 2424, nothing is stopping this film from having a time skip and making it end years later. There's even a casting report showing that they were looking for an older actress lookalike for the younger actress, to play what seems to be X-23 but aged up a bit. I don't understand why you are looking for a full explanation of everything before the movie is even out!

The fact that the movie is making you ask questions is a good thing. But it doesn't have to reveal everything that you want to know about until 3.3.17 when the movie is released and people view it in theaters.


this takes place in 2024...consider DOFP was in 2014 so 10 years later..explains why Pat Stewart's character, Xavier who is around late 60 looks to be nearing 80 in this one...I hope magneto is in this but younger version (Joseph)that would get explained in the film..

regarding Wolverine's look, remember he was over 120 years old in the films (first wolverine film, he fought in WW1) after the events of DOFP, he got weaker, lost most of his power thus is now ageing faster as his body tries to catch up with his actual age...

Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.


The future of DOFP was set in 2023


was it, it did not look 2023 to me, infact it looked 2014...some of the original cast were there but none of the news ones were (warpath/blink/sunspot/bishop)

Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.


watch the movie. it was released in 2014, it was set in 2023


I wish people would stop saying the film takes place in 2024. It's an article from The Wrap that claims to have "inside information" lol. They've always been sketchy, and they didn't confirm anything that we didn't already know. Like seriously, think about it.

We already knew it was going to be set in the future after DOFP.

We already suspected X-23 based on previous reports, Bryan Singer's comments saying he wants her for X-force, Tim Miller saying he wants her to fight Deadpool, and also set photos.

The fact that X-23 is in the damn film automatically confirms that there is a corporation turning children into killing machines

We already knew that Logan's healing factor was screwed up based on him looking older, and having bruised knuckles thanks to set photos

We already knew about his 2024 crysler Limo from the freaking set photos.

People have suspected that Merchant was either going to be Morph or Caliban. Mostly Caliban based on the info that James Mangold was looking into Caliban for this movie and previously released instagram footage of Stephen Merchant shaving his head.

Why are people taking The Wrap seriously? lmao yo for real why though? I only trust what is directly confirmed by Fox or directors!


Anyone see that pic of Charles? He looks so friggin old. He had to have aged another 10-15 years. He's definitely a hundred. This is definitely in 2030's.


What's the problem, OP?

Did you think the DOFP "good future" was the definitive one? Things keep happening, time never stops. Villains still exist and so on.


Yeah, they better have a good explanation how Wolverine went low again after he reunites with the once dead X-Men and Jean again.


Even though it would totally undermine the ending of DoFP (actually that ending is going to be undermined no matter what), I'd love it if they had the balls to use the same explanation as in Old Man Logan, Wolverine slaughtering the X-Men is one of the most powerful scenes I've ever read in a comic. I know they can't use Mysterio, but some version of that was be insane.
