MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Does Wolverine kill the X-Men in this fi...

Does Wolverine kill the X-Men in this film?

If so, man. It would be kinda depressing knowing that all of the characters that we were attached to for 17 years don't have a happy ending. It would be pretty ballsy for Fox to do, though.


No, don't worry.


The X-Men timeline was altered 2 times, not just one (DOFP).
FIRST CLASS was already a "divergence".
Everything is explained here:



all of the characters that we were attached to for 17 years don't have a happy ending

Almost all of the characters that we met 17 years ago were torn apart by robots in Days of Future Past, so it's a little too late for that.



Did you not see the ending of DoFP? They all turned out alive.


They'll take only a small page out of Old Man Logan. And then move on to Death of Wolverine. I suspect they will consolidate all of the X-men deaths in OML to Rogue. Sorry Rogue fans, she's probably getting SNIKT'd


Likely Logan will kill several random students at the school. No one recognizable. Unless they bring in one returning actor to die, and Logan hallucinates him/her throughout the film.


Likely Logan will kill several random students at the school. No one recognizable. Unless they bring in one returning actor to die, and Logan hallucinates him/her throughout the film.

Damn great minds really do think alike. That is a legit 1:1 of how I envisioned this movie will go after the first details dropped. 


And who might that be ?

Not Famke Janssen as Jean, as she had her time invading his dreams ( nightmares) in The Wolverine.

The only male XMan who might be an interesting choice would be Prof X because of their bond...but since Prof X is part of LOGAN, it would not be him.

There's Halle Berry as Storm or Anna Paquin as Rogue. I think Rogue would be the logical one as she and Logan had a special affinity. It will also be a full circle, because the first XMen highlighted their first meeting. And when she asked him what his name was -- didn't he say "Logan" ??


And who might that be ?

Not Famke Janssen as Jean, as she had her time invading his dreams ( nightmares) in The Wolverine.

The only male XMan who might be an interesting choice would be Prof X because of their bond...but since Prof X is part of LOGAN, it would not be him.

There's Halle Berry as Storm or Anna Paquin as Rogue. I think Rogue would be the logical one as she and Logan had a special affinity. It will also be a full circle, because the first XMen highlighted their first meeting. And when she asked him what his name was -- didn't he say "Logan" ??

Has Xavier's role even been explained yet? This is Patrick's final X-Men film, so I could probably see Xavier turning out to be part of Logan's imagination.

I wouldn't want Jean again. One thing I like about THE WOLVERINE was him finally letting her go and moving on. Sadly DAYS OF FUTURE PAST shoved her back into his life, but I'd still prefer to leave Jean behind.

Having Logan kill Rogue could leave him devastated, or even Yukio, if only because I would have liked to see more of her.


Not likely.

This movie is looking more and more like it's based (loosely) off of the events from Uncanny X-Men #251, and the issues that followed Wolverine's arc after. We know that the Reavers are Logan's main adversaries in this movie (and are likely hunting Logan, looking for vengeance like they were in the comics), and if anyone killed the X-Men it's probably them, and Wolverine is the last survivor of the team, like he was in #251.

It's also possible that the X-Men aren't dead, but elsewhere. Off world, or in another dimension, or in Mister Sinister's custody, or busy fighting Magneto, etc. We won't get a good guess as to what's happening until we see a trailer, but I highly doubt Wolverine slew the X-Men, especially if Charles Xavier is still around.
