MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > List of X-Men we got so far

List of X-Men we got so far

Original timeline:

1- Cyclops
2- Storm
3- Wolverine
4- Jean Grey/Phoenix
5- Rogue
6- Beast
7- Angel
8- Nightcrawler
9- Iceman
10- Colossus
11- Shadowcat
12- Emma Silverfox aka Silver Fox

Special appearances: Gambit, Quicksilver, Banshee (or his little son), Siryn, Jubilee, Psylocke (Kwannon), Madrox, Juggernaut, Callisto, Caliban.

Intermedium Timeline:

13- Xavier (not known as "Professor X" yet)
14- Lehnsherr (not known as "Magneto" yet)
15- Mystique
16- Havok
17- Banshee
18- Blink
19- Bishop
20- Sunspot
21- Warpath

Post-DOFP Timeline:

22- Quicksilver
23- Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Special appearances: Archangel, Psylocke (Braddock), Deadpool, X-23(?).


The X-Men timeline was altered 2 times, not just one (DOFP).
FIRST CLASS was already a "divergence".
Everything is explained here:



I don't know if Deadpool really counts?


The movie? Yes, it counts.
The character? No, he's not an X-Man but a special appearance.

THE X-MEN MOVIE TIMELINES - Fixed continuity!


Yeah, the movie Deadpool counts as part of the X-Men film universe. But the character of Deadpool isn't as associated with X-Men as many people may believe. If anything, Deadpool interacts with The Avengers just as much as he does with X-Men in the comics. Hell Deadpool is not even a mutant, and his sidekick is a HYDRA soldier. If Marvel knew that the MCU would be so successful, they would have never sold the film rights to Deadpool in the first place.


The thing about Deadpool is that he's not an Avenger. He has been on the X-men team at one point before his murderous tendencies got him kicked off, and he is a member of their Black ops team, X-Force. His inception is deeply tied to Weapon X, Wolverine and his DNA, being used to bring him to mutate status. Even his rogues gallery are in large part mutants! He may not be a mutant, but even before people saw the Deadpool film. People thought of him as more of an X-man. It's only in recent years after Disney picked up Marvel, that they have tried to tie him to the Avengers simply because Deadpool is popular, in the hopes of making Avengers books more interesting.


Now that I think about it, Cinematic Magneto has been an X-Man many times:

2023 Future
1973 (for some month, along with Quicksilver and Beast)

THE X-MEN MOVIE TIMELINES - Fixed continuity!


Only in 1962 was he a member. You can't count the times that he was forced to help which he really didn't in 1973, and in 2023 he was forced to help or face mutual destruction! He IS however leading his own team of X-men currently in the comics.


Well, IMHO 2023 counts. As proved by "The Wolverine", he was working with Xavier since 2015. And he wore a suit similar to the others in 2023. Finally, he and Ororo seemed accustomed to work together.

Just my opinion.

THE X-MEN MOVIE TIMELINES - Fixed continuity!


He was working with them. But working with them doesn't mean he was "with them" as a part of the X-men under their banner. That would be the same as saying that Apocalypse was a member of the X-men because he worked with them to stop Onslaught at one point.



THE X-MEN MOVIE TIMELINES - Fixed continuity!
