MovieChat Forums > Annabelle (2014) Discussion > Scariest part of the film....

Scariest part of the film....

Which part of the film scared you the most???


The part where she gets stuck in the basement and had to run up the stairs.
(Then sees the creepy hand)


For me, the scariest part was when she was in her apartment and she saw the little girl running toward her and then she becomes that scary woman....that scene creeps me out!!!!


That was the scariest part for me as well.
Overall not a very scary movie, but that part made me cringe and hold my breath untill the scary girl/woman was gone



Yeah, that flash of light/action in the neighbour's window worked well...

~ I hardly looked at his face. His knees were what I wished to see. ~


That was an average action/thriller scene. Nothing scary about it.


that Basement scene was directed by James Wan himself soooo..

-Sorry for my Bad English (if there are any)


The little girl turning into the scary woman is the best part of the film and that's only because it's blatantly and unapologetically stolen from Mario Bava's 1977 film Shock. It's exactly the same scare but not done as well in Annabelle


The whole basement scene, but more specifically, when she saw the demon at the foot of the stairs looking back up at her. Creeped me out!


This movie had some good scary moments. I agree with the other poster that the sewing machine provided good tension. That scene reminds of squeezing a balloon and closing your eyes anticipating the pop!

The basement storage scene was creepy, but formula.

But for me, with no question, the scariest scene scene was when the mother was running frantically up and down the apartment hearing the baby cry but unable to see her. That was pure fright on an emotional level. As an audience member, we empathize with the mother's anxiety.

Having the mother fling the doll across the room and suddenly realizing that she was unable to trust her senses, and then fearing she hurt the baby was also hair raising,, but I was pretty sure the movie wasn't going to stoop that low as to show a mother killing her own child.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


opening scene


The actress's name is ....


same as the doll! Truly scary stuff 😅.

But yeah, the elevator and the doll-to-woman parts were scary.
