God Awful Film

This movie sucked beyond means. It wasn't even scary. It felt more like all there was was some light haunting. Heck you never even see the doll move except for like 10 seconds. There was nothing interesting or remotely scary in this film. The only reason I didn't stop watching was because I paid money to see this crap.


yes. terrible. and it did well!


I agree. I hate how they took a true story (which was actually scarier in the first five minutes of The Conjuring) and just completely destroyed it with a dumb backstory. I wish they could've covered the whole story about the nurses, and Ed & Lorraine coming in at the last 30 minutes. There was more to the real story that they could have included. Oh well


Yes, just finished watching it and thought it sucked!!
Really wanted to see this cos thought it would be great. Sigh, it was terrible!!
