MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Discussion > X-MEN stories UNIQUE and THE BEST!!!! B...

X-MEN stories UNIQUE and THE BEST!!!! Better than...


I love the unique, complicated yet rational and challenging ideas that X-Men writers came up with in the 80s and 90s. Two Rachel Summers, they escape altered universe into present X-Men universe, unique way of introducing Jean Grey's daughter verses the regular average ways of superhero sons and daughters from MCU and DCEU. And Mother Asakni, love her. X-Cutioner's Song, LOVE THE DRAMA.

X-Men/Cable are the BEST comic stories!!! They beat the *beep* out of Avengers Infinity War story plot, no thoughtful challenge and no Adam Warlock.

How long before some director will copy Rachel Summer's unique story into a movie? Fox needs to hurry up with movies.

Kids read more complicated comics than Adam Warlock or Marvel, more mentally challenging than most movies MCU made. My siblings were 9 yrs old and had read and collected numerous comic books.

So all those trolls making up excuses for Marvel don't know what they are talking about


I love the unique, complicated yet rational and challenging ideas that X-Men writers came up with in the 80s and 90s.



Me too, the X-Men comics of the 70's, 80's and 90's were amongst the best comic book stuff ever written. Going back and reading them nowadays it always blows me away how superior they are to most other things published, they seem so natural that they make the writing look easy, but the stories are quite complex and allegorical with some crazy continuity and interesting character dynamics. There's some real depth and dimension to those stories that you just don't see anywhere else. The only other Marvel comic book that ever came close to that level of quality is Spider-Man. Daredevil and The Hulk both had some good runs too during that time (and certainly DC had a lot of good stuff coming out then) but nothing quite on the same level as X-Men. It's by far the best stuff that Marvel Comics has ever done.

As for the big crossover events, eh they're almost always bad. Secret Wars was the best one Marvel ever did and even it was only a barely passable see-through gimmick. The only big comic book crossover event that I've ever read that I would say is purpose driven, creative and all around excellent is DC's crossover series Kingdom Come.


I agree, the comic book drama is better than most movies out there. I haven't read much of DC, I think I may give Kingdom Come a shot.

I feel like MCU is dumbing down Infinity War, most their movies. Doctor Strange is also a good example.

Some big thug Thanos wants to kill universe for his love Death, whats so unique about that? Reminds me of bad cheesy Greek mytholgy stories.

If they had Adam Warlock/Magus, then it would interest me as an adult. Adam Warlock/Magus is the most intellectual part of Infinity War. Adam Warlock, cosmic beings and Beyonder are the most intellectual characters that MCU has got.


I agree that Thanos isn't the most interesting Marvel villain, not by miles of open road. I'd put him somewhere in the mediocre middle of the pack, maybe bottom-middle. The Infinity Gauntlet mini-series was okay as a crossover, Marvel has certainly done worse but it lacked a deep and detailed story with good character interactions and good character moments and it lacked any kind of analogy or relevance or even just importance within the Marvel universe itself, it was just a big dumb thing and then it was over and nothing was different and nothing had changed (save for Adam Warlock I suppose). Onto the next issue.

At least Secret Wars changed the way we looked at characters after that, and the dynamics between the different teams, and some characters were changed radically and dealt with the consequences of that crossover for years to come. That's how you write a proper story, The Infinity Gauntlet had next to none of that.

My concern with Thanos isn't that he's a big bland overrated villain, that's fine, or at least it could be okay, but the problem is going to be in how Disney's Marvel Studios will execute the story. It's going to be an absolute *beep* show.

They're going to go with a safe plodding story and cram in a lot of characters to get everybody in it and there will be plot contrivances aplenty to do so and it's going to be ham-fisted one-liner after one-liner with no tension or suspense or sense of real danger because Disney has long since forgotten how to do that and then it'll be over. It's going to be less of a real story and more of a checklist with Disney checking off names as it runs down the list. That's going to be the movie.

So, yeah. Blarg.


My goodness, really really good points on Infinity War. MCU has a chance to make AIW and AIW 2 really good with some revision on places that you mentioned, but it was just announced that Thanos is to be the "Main character" in movie. I guess it makes sense but I agree with you, Thanos is boring. Adam Warlock as a sidekick would have been more interesting.

I am afraid of is MCU taking him away and replacing him with characters that already have been introduced, what would be the reason behind it if they have tons of money to make it happen? MCU unecessarily dumbing down the stories? Cash grab and lazy writing again like Civil War?

MCU need to bring back Winter Soldier writing quality into Avengers franchise or else they will be in the same level of quality writing as DCEU.


Well Marvel have come out and said that Thanos will be the centre piece of Infinity War but I somehow doubt that. After all of the flops the MCU have produced in their villains, I'm hoping they can atleast do justice to Thanos because again like Apocalypse, his backstory and motivation is more intriguing and textured than simple "destroy the world/universe stuff". I want them to follow the comic closely and would love to see him treated as an actual threat, with ZERO jokes. Moments like his showdown with Cap would be hella cool if they set it up right. As long as they don't go full pelt like the series and end up him being a farmer lol.

One thing I would love to see is the council panel when Adam Warlock goes to the cosmic entities to pledge his case to stop Thanos, but ultimately The Living Tribunal rejects his case. That was my favourite segment from the series but since Marvel probably wont use Warlock and have no rights to Galactus we may not see that.


After all of the flops the MCU have produced in their villains, I'm hoping they can atleast do justice to Thanos because again like Apocalypse, his backstory and motivation is more intriguing and textured than simple "destroy the world/universe stuff".

Depends if you want a movie where the villain the star of the show and the hero is secondary in his/her own story (DC).


Good villains make the heros journey more believable. RasAl Ghul, Joker and Bane are light-years ahead of the likes of Maleketh, Yellow Jacket and Ronan.


Good villains make the heros journey more believable.

Not if the story was all about them and only them, with the hero being nothing more than "Guy who opposes the villain".

RasAl Ghul, Joker and Bane are

Perfect examples of scene-stealers who show how flat the hero is.

This of it this way: Would making "The One Armed Man" a bigger character have made "The Fugitive" a better movie?

No, it wouldn't.


What a clown you are! You take X-Men seriously. That's all anyone needs to know about your so-called critical facilities.

The Dumpster gives a whole new meaning to "red" states.


a reality-bending thriller that redefines the superhero genre.The best superhero stories bring depth and complexity to the characters’ inner lives. That’s why the X-Men, for instance, produced such iconic stories: an ensemble of unique, conflicted, and supremely powerful superhumans can make for irresistible soap operas, as well as poignant examinations of current issues and social injustices.

Legion manages to up the ante for the entire superhero genre. It isn’t as thematically relevant as other Marvel series, but the creative energy and inventiveness Noah Hawley has brought to the show makes it a singular experience, unlike anything else on television today. It’s the prestige series that might remind the fans now tired of super-types to keep investing in these mythologies. Now it’s up to other shows to catch up.

Don't have any problem with the mcu as long as x-men and the MCU remain separate.


Grow the hell up and start reading Faulkner
