MovieChat Forums > Sicario (2015) Discussion > Why didn't Kate just *beep* Reggie?

Why didn't Kate just *beep* Reggie?

They had good chemistry, especially the part talking about her bras. Instead she goes home with some random guy to *beep* who turns out to be crooked and nearly gets herself killed. Why didn't she just get some solid dick from Reggie?


Reggie is clearly either homosexual or friendzoned.


Maybe the better question isn't why she didn't bang the bad guy and waited until he went to the bathroom or something to get the gun or make her escape. She attacked him at a pretty bad time (full of raging testosterone expecting sex and everything).


because he is black, and u know what they say once u go black u cant go back, she doesnt wanna destroy her vag


or her reputation or her pride or her sense of self worth. Why do black men think they have the worlds biggest dicks and are gods gift to women when all they do is get women pregnant and flee the scene leaving the rest of the population to pay to raise their bastard children. I will never under stand the ego pouring from the african american community.


Because that would be unethical.


I didn't think Kate found her partner attractive enough to overcome the obvious reasons why you would not want to sleep with your partner in such a line of work.


Not everyone is a disgusting, degenerate race-traitor you know.


Race traitor? She had sex w/ a non human?


I think it was clear that this guy was stuck in the friendzone without any possibility to escape.


I liked that they didn't go for that angle. Interracial relationships in movies and tv is getting so cliche


because get out had'nt came out yet!


because the movie was trying to be realistic. Women dropping their drawers at the drop of a hat isn't reflective of real life.
