MovieChat Forums > The Hateful Eight (2015) Discussion > Okay we get it: they're ALL racists, but...

Okay we get it: they're ALL racists, but was it really necessary... use the "n" word that many times? Really?

Ordinarily I'm no PC warrior, but to me, it felt as thought Tarantino was thumbing his nose at his critics who have chastised him for using it in his past films; as if he was affecting some kind of puerile revenge for being accused of it's overuse previously.

Its like he was saying, "Oh, so I'm not allowed to use it, but its perfectly acceptable for blacks to use it? Well, check this out: n*bleep!*, n*bleep!*, n*bleep!*, n*bleep!*, n*bleep!* "

Like I said, we get it. It was waaaaay too much, imo, to the point of being tedious. He could've at least switched it up by using: "darkies", or "coons" or any other of the myriad of racial epithets.

Of course they're all distasteful, but given the time frame of the movie, and considering the kinds of people the characters were its understandable. But hearing the same thing over, and over, and over, and over was really annoying after awhile.

I not accusing QT of racism, just poor writing.

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."


We know it's a period piece, and that's how most White folks spoke back then...., but how many times is Tarantino going to keep making movies about a time or place where White people say "n!gger" more times than they inhale air?
It's not exactly breaking news to know that White people said "n!gger" a lot.
I don't see the point in this film.
Hell, I don't even see the point in all these period pieces, to be honest. Unless, Ofcourse, if the film is telling us something new about humanity's history that we knew nothing about.


Surely your not suggesting that all fictitious movies are set in the current time period?

No cash here!! Here, no cash!!! Cash, no!!!! Robbo? No Cash!


Hollywood can do what they like, I'm just saying that I don't see the point in every single historical fact being converted to motion pictures. This goes for slavery movies, civil rights movies, the civil war, the (alleged) killing of "Jesus". We know all these stories already.
Hollywood just wants an easy cash cow.


the period is a lame excuse for him to go crazy, and I'm sure even back then they were not that excessive, saying niggo this niggo that every 5 seconds. QT simply has a fetish, that's all.


He's known to have a foot-fetish.
Now, it's clear he has a .....uh....ummm..... "n!gger fetish"??????
That doesn't sound right.
If I were White, there is no way that could not sound racist.


"It felt as though Tarantino was thumbing his nose at his critics".

I'm sure that's exactly what he did. He's a brat, and like all brats he will do the very thing he's being reprimanded for - over and over again.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


I guess you REALLY hated Blazing Saddles.


You must hate Boyz N The Hood then?


And Menace to Society,and Straight outta' Compton, and don't be a Menace, and Friday, and Soul Plane,and...


Yeah Tarantino definitely seems to have a hard on for that word in particular. In contrast every word for 'penis' in Major's anecdote to the General in regards to what his son was sucking, was different.


i liked all the nigger bombs
