MovieChat Forums > The Lobster (2015) Discussion > why would he blind himself?

why would he blind himself?

if she loved him she would want him to NOT be disadvantaged

Also they have not got anywhere to live, no money, no prospects

surly they should get themselves settled first- and to do that he would need his sight, at least until he is stable and they don't need to worry about things like food and shelter


Because love in their society--and to David--requires sharing characteristics. David was obsessed with being short sighted and finding someone shortsighted, and now that his "love" is blind, he must be, too.


You cannot try to understand parts of the story by thinking of your own reality, it makes no sense that way. The way I interpret it is as an allegory. In what we know as real life often a partner will want the other person to change something about themselves, to dress a certain way or to become interested in something just so the two of them can "spend more time together." So in the case of this move they have taken it to an illogical extreme, i.e. "I am blind so to prove you love me I want you to be blind also, that way we will share more."

..*.. TxMike ..*..


I suppose i don't understand.The thought scares far does someone go to have something in common and surly they will have they shared traits- one is blind one is not but both have an interest in western movies or maybe a love of run based pudding ??
