MovieChat Forums > Black·ish (2014) Discussion > I'm black, and I live a WONDERFUL life

I'm black, and I live a WONDERFUL life

No. I'm not saying my life is perfect, but I am content. I'm no different than the average person of any race who does NOT think the world has it in for them. You listen to preachy whiny garbage like what was on tonight's episode, and you think blacks must live just awful lives. Therefore to get just a little taste of it, just remember what it felt like when you learned Hillary lost.

Um, excuse me!? I was quite happy on the night Hillary lost. I was ELATED, and I'm still elated, especially after Trumps news conference today. January 20th can't come soon enough.

I'm college educated, have a great family, great income, law abiding and never been arrested. For the whiners, stop waiting for the "white man" to save you. This is indeed the land of opportunity. There are no laws on the books enforcing racism.... quite the opposite in fact.

The problem is, if you live your life thinking they world hates you, the deck's stacked against you and you simply can't get ahead... well, guess what? It'll be a self fulfilling prophecy and you'll always be angry. Someone even LOOKS at you the wrong way, you immediately conclude racism. You'll be hyper sensitive and simply won't be able to relax. Sounds like an awful existence to me.

~I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong~


You one black man. For every negro that "make it", there's 20 more that's stuck in the projects and their family isn't going anywhere. It's episodes like this that people need to see. No one is waiting on the "white man", that *beep* sounds stupid what you wrote. You sound like a white man pretending to be black to be honest, lol.


It's episodes like this that people need to see.

Why is that? Because there aren't shows on TV, mainstream media reports on just how bad blacks have it? What does this episode do?

Point is, I'm sick and tired about hearing about how blacks are nothing but helpless victims. THAT's part of the reason some people never leave the projects. They feel they've failed even before they've even tried. So why bother?

If all you hear is how the only way out of poverty is through sports and rap music (rather than a decent education or trade), you stay where you are because you figure if you tried, racism will block you every step of the way.

Oh, and I don't care if you accuse me of being white because I dared to stray of the plantation of liberal democrat thought.

~I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong~


No, I know you are not black because black people know that we don't see ourselves as victims. No black person would write what you wrote. We know how strong we are and how hard we strive for betterness! Miss me with your *beep* Not all black people are democrats you simple impostor. Surprise, I'm republican! I know I"m all over, but I'm tired of people pretending to be black people to write what they think a black person would write. And if I'm wrong, you have no connection to your black roots and you shouldn't even talk on this issues anymore.






Agreed!! I don't see DOCTOR Ben Carson having problems. To the person that said to the OP "you sound like a white man blah blah blah". Really? So a black woman Can't be educated? Can't have a home with family? A solid career? I guess Condaliza Rice is out. You just showed the TRUE ignorance of being a lazy azz. Pull up your pants, get a job or go to school. Listen and obey law enforcement officers. And you know, you sound just like Rosie O'Donnell. If it's soooo bad here and YOU don't choose to make a change for yourself, leave! It's a simple solution. MLK himself was a badazz. Malcolm x was a thug. You're so desperate now and lazy. Lazy that you won't work. So you act up and join terror groups like BLM. You have internet connection or you wouldn't be on here. Guess what? That BS obama mike Brown race card is dead. You have used it too many times. The boy who cried wolf. Better yourself. If you live in Chicago and are part of the MASS killings, move! You're part of the problem and are playing the victim card. Obama didn't do ANYTHING for you. Hillary wouldn't have either. Trump said "what do you have to lose". Now Dr. Ben Carson is in and helping. The poor me attitude is played out. This ain't the 60's man! Wake up! Look at Sheriff Clarke. A black law enforcement officer in charge of 100's of people. Damn. People like you make me lecture. You're doing it to yourself. Nobody came and picked you up and tossed you in your projects. No one but your parents. Again, don't pull that race card on me because you don't know who I am, the color of my skin, if I'm educated, career and so on.


I love you hasbanyp and completely agree with everything you wrote!! Well said!! It's 2017, not the 60's and everyone no matter what race you are needs to stop playing the race card and blaming society that they have been treated unfairly. Anyone can better themselves, obey the law and be respectful.
Preaching about injustice that happened decades ago isn't helping. Dre's speed was uncalled for and he was disrespectful to his boss who didn't do any thing wrong. Dre acts like everyone in his office and society needs to apologize to him or feel sorry for black people. Why??? Everybody struggles and needs to work hard to go places no matter who you are.

Life's a gift and I dont intend on wasting it!


Thank you Titanic!!!


Answer the question Hasban......Were you born a pathetic little bitch or is it something you have had to work at over the years? LMAO! 

Hope This Helps!!! 

Iran is not a terrorist country!...LittleZeke aka: "LittleBrain" 3/10/15


To be clear, all of my posts are in agreement with you. The one guy can't write two replies without cussing. Unreal. No wonder he's not getting a sympathy. Can't even talk without pulling out his race card and cussing. Smh.



Let's snack,
There's his problem just like I said. He doesn't even know his history correctly. It's all the white mans fault. I don't see white people with slaves. Do you? No. He's your definition of utter ignorance. He won't listen. WE have 2 ears and 1 mouth. I wonder why. Ignorance at its finest. He's got internet and tv. Probably nice kicks and phone. I bet he bucks up a lot. Ignorant. dr. Ben Carson needs to slap that kid.


This a "concerned troll" pretending to be black ... it's a new alt-right strategy to disrupt forums.


I know, lol. The thing is they write and say things that the majority of the black population wouldn't say or write. It's sad how low racist white people will go!


Again, I don't care if you don't believe I'm black. However, just know that you are still a slave in thought. As far as you're concerned, anyone who doesn't buy the democrat line isn't a "true" black person.

The thing is they write and say things that the majority of the black population wouldn't say or write. It's sad how low racist white people will go!

You see, and that's the problem right there, and why democrats take us for granted. I even shudder to say "us" because we shouldn't be a monolith, but for all intense and purposes, we know blacks will vote 90%+ for democrats EVERY SINGLE ELECTION period.

Look at all the most crime infested, poorest cities. They're all run by democrats... yet blacks vote them in year after year, expecting things to change. You need to reflect, watucker81, but it seems quite unlikely. You sound like someone who's very content at blaming racism for all your troubles.

~I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong~


Bruh, you read as a white man trying to be black. Thanks for assuming I'm a democrat, because I'm black. That's your first strike. The most crime infested poorest cities are like that because they are poor! Poor people think the most illogically because they're trying to make a way out of no way. That's strike two. Black people don't blame racism for their troubles, they just want racism to end, that *beep* can be draining! That's strike three, YOU'RE OUT!


Bruh, you read as the typical hive minded black man. If a black guy dares break free from how your liberal massa's tell you to think the rest of you tear into him like a pack of vicious mindless animals.

Don't you ever tire of being the democrat's little bitch?


Another white man, lol. I'm not a "liberal" or a Democrat. Try again Ethan.


Listen to these two hard core RACISTS. If someone shows intelligence, common sense and can put well thought out, articulate sentences together, they can't be black. Reprehensible.


I think this person is trolling highly doubt they are black.


Agreed. It's something Alt-Right is doing, probably been doing, smh.


Seriously, I wish I could thumbs up this post. I love this show, but this preachy BS pissed me off. Like a fellow commenter said, many races/religions have had it bad/been persecuted and managed to overcome. Jewish people are a prime example! You never hear them complain coz all they do is put their noses to the grindstone and work their assess of to overcome. And now they own Hollywood lol! Seriously, anybody that comes to America has the same opportunities as anyone else. If becoming President doesn't prove that then nothing ever will.


Elevenfingers-Amen your post! normally I enjoy this show but last nights epi was cringeworthy and so was dre's speech.


scorp, good for you and I love your post!!

I am tired of black people acting like society owes them something because hundreds of years ago slavery happened. I think this whole thread rocks and I completely agree! Everybody has been discriminated against, not just black people. Black people are usually the race that whines about they can't better themselves because of racism. Dre's speech was uncalled for and he was disrespectful to his boss.

I have black friends who are educated and have good families.
They may have started in the projects, but they worked hard and got an education. They didn't just go around preaching about the country has let them down.

Life a gift and I dont intend on wasting it!


Good for you. You must have born in a nice city. Either that or you're a white troll trying to get white people's approval


Why because, they worked hard, educated themselves and is successful and has a different opinion than you? How does any of that constitute as trolling?

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


You need to be the mayor or Chicago. Maybe an educated black woman such as yourself, can help the officers get those THUGS off of the streets. I am so glad that I don't live there. It's safer to go spit in a drug lords face in Mexico City than it is to live in Chicago. Do I feel bad for the THUGS? Nope. Especially with the chants of "pigs in a blanket fry me like bacon". BLM is in fact a terror group. They are no different than the nasty KKK. If you're on twitter, look up @lolatwhitefear or google her name. It is Sunshine Sullivan. Aka Carol Sullivan. She's on film telling a white veteran that she's going to hang her white baby. There's worse but I won't type it on here. YouTube has plenty on her. Maybe a woman like you can smack some common sense into that vagabond. Great post also.


Bravo! I'm so glad for this comment coming from a black person. Not all white people are racists, i would say a very few.


I agree with most here. Something is off with the OP. He probably isn't black.


That's because you're an idiot racist.


You obviously don't know who you are talking to. I won't lower myself by calling someone who I don't know names though.
