Anti Trump

Never watched the show and only saw that preview but I hope this show fails miserably. Can't imagine any show dissing obama like that. Will this show cover the latest BLM kidnapping? So sick of liberal TV rubbish, obviously America doesn't care what these clowns think because Trump thankfully won.



However, we will be trashed for being "racist" since anything that points out any lies in the notion of black outrage (such as the anti-police (even if they are black police) BLM) is automatically considered to be "racist" although it surely is not (since it automatically includes black police officers).


Stick to watching Fox News for your daily dose of propaganda then. BTW, what excuses is Kellyanne Conway making today?


Are you really gonna cry about propaganda after what the MSM did before the election, in the election and after the election. Fake news networks like CNN and MSNBC were humiliated multiple times due to their lies. Enjoy the 98% odds of Clinton winning, given by propaganda site call Huffington Post.


CNN and MSNBC is not fake news, and you talk about propaganda, KellyAnne Conway is the queen of propaganda. and for your information Trump thinks National Enquirer is real news.


CNN and MSNBC is not fake news, and you talk about propaganda, KellyAnne Conway is the queen of propaganda. and for your information Trump thinks National Enquirer is real news.

I've noticed a continued pattern with people these days that if a media outlet does not report things that align with their views it is immediately labeled as fake news, regardless if what is being reported is fact. It's a sad state of affairs.


I don't watch Fox News. Most conservatives don't. Watch your stereotypes.


If your sick of watching these programs change the channel ... duh?!


Except the OP never actually watched the show. They just made assumptions based on a preview.


Never watched the show and only saw that preview but I hope this show fails miserably. Can't imagine any show dissing obama like that.

Well then maybe you need to do your research, because ABC is also home to Tim Allen's Still Standing (a conservative show that has bashed Obama every season since it has been on air). The great thing about TV is you are not forced to watch this show and you can change the channel at anytime to find something else.

On a side note, I appreciate the fact that at least Black-ish chose to address multiple angles of the presidential election and why different people voted certain ways.


LMS is a balanced show. Only Tim Allen really plays a conservative. It's not this one sided conservative show.


I can't even put into words how much I'm loving this episode right now.

I'm happy and proud to say that I enjoy ANYTHING that bashes that embarrassment to our country called Donald Trump.

Going to go out on a limb and guess that you are probably not the target audience of Black-ish. A little too "real" for someone like you no doubt. And I'm not jumping to any conclusions about who you are. Your post says it all.


they didn't actual bash him that much, they did bash the eople who panicked afterwards. It was great episode and showed some of the ridiculous reaction to him being elected . It really did seems people who live in privilege panicked the most and freaked out. Meanwhile people with actual harder lives, shrugged their shoulders and are trying to move on like usual. This country is bigger than Trump and that is what the show is saying. He will have a reign and then, it will be over. Just like that, by Trump and on to the next person. Which will probably be liberal since we like to flip from one to the other.


they didn't actual bash him that much, they did bash the eople who panicked afterwards. It was great episode and showed some of the ridiculous reaction to him being elected . It really did seems people who live in privilege panicked the most and freaked out. Meanwhile people with actual harder lives, shrugged their shoulders and are trying to move on like usual. This country is bigger than Trump and that is what the show is saying. He will have a reign and then, it will be over. Just like that, by Trump and on to the next person. Which will probably be liberal since we like to flip from one to the other.

Hey! Common sense is not allowed on these boards,get the hell outta here;-)


BLM had nothing to do with that kidnapping sir


Sorry but this is one of the most popular shows on TV and because of the Anti-Trump episode. I along with other real patriotic Americans will be watching ever episode.


Never watched the show and only saw that preview but

It is always hilarious to hear people who are woefully ignorant roll around in their stupidity like a pig in slop.

*pats you gingerly on the head*
